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Pictures of a friend's quilt

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Thanks, everyone. This is a queen size bed spread for this lady's son. She started it 20 years ago as a wedding gift, but never got the borders on it, or quilted. She originally planned a high loft batting and was going to tie it, as she did all her quilts up until about 5 or 6 years ago.

Her son is divorced twice and is now living with a gal, so this friend decided to finish the quilt and give it to him. She slapped on the borders, on the bias, and of course, never measured a border in her life (she doesn't need to, as she's been quilting for 20 years and knows what she's doing). HA! She also threw it in the washer and dryer because it was a bit soiled. Lots of fraying. I had to hand stitch some of the seams back together that had frayed apart. I did this on the frame, as I didn't notice them until I was quilting it.

Anyway, I called her to let her know the problems I was having and she said it was because I was still rather inexperienced and it's a good thing she's giving me this oportunity to learn more about quilting. HUH?

I e-mailed these pictures to her last night, so I am curious what response I will get from her. :) If it is anything interesting, I'll let you all know.

Thank goodness for Bonnie's spray starch and steam directions! If you haven't bought her CD, maybe it's time to do so, if not for yourself, perhaps as a Christmas or birthday gift for a quilting buddy. As they say, "Not affiliated, just a happy customer." LOL

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Her remarks about you being rather inexperienced and its a good thing she has given you the oppurtunity to do her quilting just cracked me up:P:D too funny. I know it probably really urked you, but really when they are in this much denial what else can you really do but laugh and take it in stride. You surely will impress her with the miracle you have performed on this quilt anyway. Way to go!!!

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

......she said it was because I was still rather inexperienced and it's a good thing she's giving me this oportunity to learn more about quilting. HUH?

I think with people like this you just need to hand her your invoice and fake a nice smile. I suggest that you tack on another $25.00 to starch, steam that beast, and another $25.00 to fix her holes and unraveling. That's an extra $50.00 for you because of her condescending tone, arrogance and denial. :P Do it! (I would. LOL!) hehehe I am mean, aren't I?

Seriously you should bill her for her PITA quilt and all the work you did to it.

When she walks out the door, smile, wave and say "OK Buh Bye Now!" :)

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I think she feels that if this quilt gets done and gifted, that her son will stay married. In that magical thinking, it is true that she is truely generous to share with you this golden opportunity to fix her 20 yo project. You said you were friends? I have friends like that, is she generally overwhelmed?

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Sandra I can't imagine her saying that to you! I'm waiting to hear what she has to say after she sees the pictures. I would probably have told her that I was accustomed to accurate piecing and I was truely inexperienced with poor piecing! Shana gives excellent advice and you did a fantastic job taming that baby. I recognize the burgandy floral print. I think I had made my daughter a dress or something out of that when she was in grade school. She is now 25!

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OMG What a horrible quilt! And for her to say that to YOU! You show us some of the best stuff on here!

I also can't believe she thinks her son will like this quilt with all that flowery calico!!?? My son would have a fit! I mean, he would appreciate the work, but the colors and patterns are too old fashioned girly! Yikes! I'd have run away from that one.

Shana is RIGHT! Charge her out the A**!!

JMHO, (and not so humble I might add)

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

It is finally off my frame, after about 25-26 hours of problems.

Actually I changed my mind about you charging an extra $50.00 for all the PITA you went through. for 25-26 hours of problems you need to double that charge to $100.00 extra. :o

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I'm in the same thought as to "WHAT WAS SHE THINKING" when she was choosing fabrics for a SON..... My husband if he had gotten something like this would have smiled and taken it, but trust me it would be the last time ANYONE ever saw it. Not even sure he would have let me put it on the bed....if gotten for a wedding present. WAY to girlie that's for sure.

Glad it worked out...looking flat and in total submission... and I too would attach a PITA charge. Its not only takes sometimes hours to get this done...the price of two cans of starch (yes its cheap), but ya had to go get it and gas isn't.

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Thanks for the kudos. I am sitting here laughing about some of them. Too funny:)

I am charging her $300 for the quilt. That is 2 1/2 cents per square inch. After all, it was custom (well, sort of). Even though the center is just a puzzle meander (which is exactly what she wanted on it), and the three borders were all SID and all three have a different design in them. Again, that's what she requested, so she got it. So, I'm making about $11.50 an hour. I'm OK with that.

Hopefully I will see her Friday (her pay day) and get paid for it then.

I sent her the before & after pictures last night, but she hasn't responded to the e-mail yet. Maybe she's stll in shock. :P

Abigail - Yes, she is always running around like a chicken with its head cut off. She jokes about having "adult ADHD" but it may be for real.

Bonnie & Linnea-I agree this is not a boyish quilt. I think that is also why she didn't get it finished for him when he was in-between women. Now that he's living with his current girlfriend, it becomes more acceptable.

Shana, I should charge her a PITA fee, but by charging her 2 1/2 cents a sq in, I am getting paid for it already.

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I am doing a quilt now for 2 1/2 cpsi with lots of SID and I realize it is not near enough, because of the SID. I have to agree with everybody else...you should tack on an additional fee for this one. Sandra...you did a beautiful job here making this quilt behave.

Congratulations on a job well done!

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