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Weird Buddha stitching done... whole pic on p.2

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This is the exhibition quilt that I have been slaving over all week... sometimes I quite like it; other times I think I have lost my mind! I think it is very primitive - not because I planned it that way just sheer lack of skill! An artist friend saw it and just said, "Hmm". It looks way better in the photo, trust me! There is a LOT of embellishment to follow - possibly paint, pearl buttons etc...

It is for an exhibition called "Pearls of Wisdom" (total lack of wisdom, more like - WHO in their right mind would do extreme quilting on silk with metallic thread?):(


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WOW...I'm impressed....what's the rest look like or haven't you gotten down that far.

I like the primitive look...it looks almost aboriginal and I do like that. The pebbles in the background almost look like an Aussie Aboriginal dot painting...

Yes that's a lot of metallic thread on silk, and personally I think you are one of only a few I know of who can pull this off....and I do want to see it finished...with all the embellishments.

AND I really really like the Colors in the border blocks.....

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Hi Linzi

I love it. Sherry is right. I cannot wait to see the finished quilt.I was looking at your Buddha on your blog a couple of days ago. I am glad you have posted a closer up shot. I really admire your Artistic talent. I really would not know where too start designing nevermind quilting something like this

I also love your choice of fabrics for your Court house steps, and the wavy quilting through the middle of the block really catches my eye.

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I just knew you gals would give me a boost!

I have stood over this for 3 days solid so I'm getting a bit too close to see what is going on.

Most of the quilters I know tell me that less is more but I know they are WRONG! - or maybe they don't have as much to hide with embellishments and stitchery as I do!:P

(nice to see your pic, Kath!)

What artistic talent?? - that's my problem - if I could draw at all I would be able to quilt really nicely so instead I have to come up with alternative ways of showing off. Perhaps doing weird stuff is the way to get noticed! I really don't know what the Quilters' Guild is going to think when this hangs in their 30th anniversary collection?

I'll keep you posted...

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Linzi as usual you have just outdone yourself. That is a truly amazing work of art. can hardly wait to see it finished. Like Bonnie it looks very primative and aboriginal to me. We are glad that you share your talent with us.

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Are you kidding?!!! As soon as I opened your topic, I gasped (a good gasp). That is some wonderful, time-consuming, outstanding quilting. The face is exquisite. If your friend went Hmmmmm - does she quilt or paint?

Can't wait to see the whole thing!!

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Wow at that little wavy thing, like Kath said, it really catches your eye! How'd you do that? Someday I'd like to do a work like that, all the gingerbread and dense quilting. No wonder you're fatigued.

That's a work of ART!

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I think I like it, I'd like to see the whole thing too. I agree that you've just got too close to see the big picture. I find taking lots of photos on my phone really helps with that. I try not to think about what I am doing when I am looking at the quilt and check regularly with the phone.


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Thanks, everyone:)

Glad to see Ferret has reserved judgement for the time being though, since it still has a long way to go and she is a bona-fide quilt artist;)

As I said, the photos are more impressive than the quilt...:o

My friend, the artist, uses paint and brushes and paints beautifully - both abstractly and realistically but you are right, she doesn't do CRAFT with STITCHES!:P

Lots more hours today and possibly tomorrow then it can be prised off the frame (goodness knows how it will hang!) then I can decide whether to tone it down a bit with pearlescent paint...

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My reservation is it's really not my sort of art. :) Also I just can't quite imagine the borders. Knowing you it's going to be mad, so it will almost certainly work, but I can't promise it will make me like the art style :)

If it doesn't want to hang I am sure it will block well. Heavy stitching seems to help and it's got that in spades.

Please do post a picture of the whole piece.


PS. is the centre a wholecloth or is there applique on it? I can't tell if all the colour is coming from the threads?

PPS. Tet says "Ooh I like the border"

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I think it is stunning and very artistic; truly an original. I love the quilting on the Courthouse steps - the way you transitioned the three styles of designs; peacock feathers, wavy lines and swirls.

Please show us lots of pictures of the completed quilt. I think you are light years ahead of most art quilters. Good luck in the show.

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OK - had lots of coffee so back to it again. I can see the bottom at last! No applique - just miles of thread (madeira metallic maybe not the best choice but I'll know better next time...)

The CS blocks have an oyster and sea thing going on.

My pearlescent paint arrived in the post - looks delicious!

Can't wait to start adding the millions of buttons, strings of pearls etc!!

If I get it off the frame I'll let you see the whole thing before I start defacing it;)

PS I have decided to rebrand myself as an ORGANIC quilter!!:P (ie. it just sort of evolves)

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