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I just made an appointment with my first repeat customer.....yeah!! I got my Millie in September and quilted a couple of quilts for friends for the Christmas rush but NOTHING in January, February or March. I just spent time PPP and working on my own quilts. I started getting customers in April and now my first repeat customer! She said she liked what I did on her quilt so much that she has 12 more for me to do and she's bring them over on Tuesday. Her piecing was perfect on her first one so I don't anticipate major problems with her others. I was so excited that I just had to share. Thanks for listening!

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Thanks everyone!

Kim R. --my husband works for a supplier for GM, Chrysler, BMW, Volvo, Volkswagen and I've been praying for my little business to take off so I can contribute something to the family income. His pay was cut by 20 percent in January and we found out last week that the "parent" company in Germany declared bankruptcy or went to insolvency court or whatever they call it in Germany(they have a different system there). We don't know what that means for us just yet...but in the meantime....I'm happy to have more business. I love quilting for others and I find it a great stress reliever!:)

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Betsy...congrats....I so remember when I got my first repeat...and it is a feeling that is so hard to explain, yet so much a stress relief. I did the happy dance for three days...so put the music on...and have a great dance.

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