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rainbows thread

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I found the perfect thread to us on my 4 patch swirl quilt but it is a rainbows and the last time I used rainbows I had an awful time to get the tension right and not to have the tread breaking. If there is anyone who uses rainbow thread alot with success. could you give me a good starting place so I can have a heads up on what to try. I will be using bottom line prewounds in the bobbin. I especially need to know about how to thread through the guides. any help appreciated, See I am thinking ahead before I am ready to pull all my hair out and need a wig!! thanks Jeanne

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Have you tried Superior's LAVA thread? They call it Rainbows for the Longarm. I don't have any problem with the tension as long as I put a net over the cone. Before using the net I would get breakage. Oh... and I use the bottomline prewounds in the bobbin with the LAVA. I had more problems for some reason when I wound my own bobbins with LAVA.

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I use Rainbows all the time and like Kristina, I have to loosen the top tension a bit. I also use Super Bobs in the bobbin. I have a friend here in town that her Millie is a bit tempermental when it comes to Rainbows, so she uses Lava.

What size needle are you using? Also I have found with my machine, I just need to slow down a bit with Rainbows. I load it on the back of the machine with the netting and have no problems. I also make sure that on the smaller spools I cover that slit in the spool to make sure the thread doesn't catch. I have also heard some people use a horizontal spool holder, but I haven't had to use mine.

Its a wonderful thread, so I hope you can find the right combination for your machine!!! Let us know how it goes:)

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I run Rainbows about 99% of the time. My ALL TIME favorite thread. Looks so great on everything (almost, a few antique tops not so much :P )

I'm posting a pic of how I thread it, flat, because some cones/colors have a lot of twist and act a bit finicky. When I use all three holes on that guide I have to loosen the top tension until the nut is about 1/8 inch extended out past the bolt thingy (real technical, I know). It'll work either way, you just gotta be prepared to loosen your top tension a lot (remember if you get loops on top you've gone too far) if you run it through all three holes.

I have run it w/bottom line prewounds and found I had to really loosen my bobbin tension (using my Towa) to get them to run at the 10-15 my machine likes.

I was using up the ones that came w/my machine, but the rest of the time I use Maxi Loc in the bobbin. Plays well with everything, and no lint. Gotta love that.

Have fun, it's AWESOME thread. I tell people it's like a tasteful pair of diamond earrings, bringing attention the wearer and not themselves. That's what Rainbows does.

I have a cone of Lava and it just isn't even close to the same animal. The colors may be similar but it doesn't have the sheen, and isn't as thin. That's what gives Rainbows the ability to run on so many different fabrics so nicely. Of course, it's also what gives folks fits at times.

It was the deal breaker for me. If an APQS machine wouldn't have run it I wouldn't have bought an APQS machine. Seriously.


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thanks so much Tracye and everyone else. I guess the general consensus is to really loosen the top thread. I have both 3.5 and 4.0 needles. which would you suggest using with the rainbows thread. I like the sheen it gives too Tracye and with the sparkly fairy frost fabric I think it will look really nice on my 4 patch swirl quilt. thanks for the picture of the thread guide as well, and I will put a thread net over the thread too. I did not do that last time so maybe that will make a difference there as well.

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Hi, I love Rainbows too. I do use a thread net and a small bit of wool batting in the first loop (right above the spool). I use Sew Fine in the bobbin most of the time. Or, I'll use Rainbows in the bobbin too, but I use it faster if I do that. I don't think I touched the tension. 99% of the time I use Sew Fine. I bought my Millie because I could quilt with metallics and I let it rip really fast with no issues.

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I just started using Rainbows and I like it. I do have to loosen top and bottom tensions and also thread through only one hole on first section from spool. I also use a 4.5 neele, don't know it that is proper but it works for me perfectly. I think you have to experiment. Everyone's machine is tempermental and works according with its owner! Don't give up, it will be worth it.

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You are very welcome.

I forgot to mention that I do too use a thread net, because of some cones being so twisty that the thread would fall down and get caught on the snag to hold the thread thingy (more technical talk).

I pretty much always use a 3.5 needle, the Grotz Beckhert (butchered the spelling on that I'm sure :P )

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I use Rainbows almost exclusively. They can be finicky. I agree with the previous advice - loosen the tension, thread net, and adjust your threading pattern. I tend to go through just the last hole of the 3 hole guide above the tension disks, but I would think the flat threading would also work. The point is to lessen the tension on the thread.

Other things not mentioned that seem to help me is a lubricant on the thread, such as Sewer's Aid, and to turn on a humidifier. I have a terrible problem in the winter when my furnace is going with low humidity, and turning on the humidifier seems to help. You also need a new needle sooner than with a stronger thread like So Fine. Loosen up the tension on your quilt as well - not tight as a drum, but with enough looseness that you can see the machine moving underneath a little bit - like a mole.

I love Rainbows. I love the way they shine and the short length and consistency of color changes. They are wonderful threads.

Good luck!


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I love Rainbows and Lava and KT and use them all alot. With Rainbows, my bobbin is fairly loose and I pull on my top thread coming through the needle, loosening the tension until the needle barely moves, but the spring is still coming down to around 9 o'clock. I don't use a thread net--when I have, I never seem to get the tension set correctly.

I only had (until a few weeks ago) 4.0 needles and that's what I use. I have had some shredding on occasion, but I think it was because I was going too fast.

I'm with Tracye...I love Rainbows!!

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Originally posted by IBQLTN2

...If there is anyone who uses rainbow thread alot with success. could you give me a good starting place so I can have a heads up on what to try.

Yes, Go Loose, baby GO LOOSE!

What I mean is, looser in the bobbin, and looser on top. Set your bobbin thread so it slides (drops) smoothly under a little tension. Then, set your top tension (Rainbows) until you get a nice even stitch on top. Try running through only two of the holes prior to the tension spring.

Go loose.

I just got done quilting a queen with Rainbows. I use Rainbows a lot. I love that thread.

If it makes you feel better I had trouble with Rainbows when I first started. You just have to play with the tension. Secret is to loosen bobbin tension a wee bit than you would otherwise.

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Rainbows are my favorite threads! Love the colors and the sheen. I set the bobbin tension first. When I know I have it right, then I run the top on a fairly light tension. Also, I use a 4.5 needle. I quilt very fast and never have any trouble with breakage as long as the tension is light. I don't get any loops on the back either. I think the Superior Lava is 1 ply stronger if I remember right. I should run very easily also.

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I've always used Rainbows and Highlights more than any other thread, my Millie runs most of them just fine, every once in awhile I get a finicky spool. I almost never used King Tut because I couldn't get the tension right with it.

Since having my Millie tuned up at APQS I can use all of the thread much easier!

I love Rainbows and how evenly the colors are on the thread.

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I have a Liberty (same size as your Lenni) and have never had a problem with running Rainbows (hope I did not jinx myself!!).

My thread path is this: No thread net, no cotton batting in the first loopy thing above the cone; one hole in first three-hole thread guide; all three holes in second. The thread goes up from the bottom and back down into the holes. I use a 4.0 needle with Rainbows. A bit loose on top. I wind So Fine for the bottom.

Should be easy...have fun! It is slippery stuff, secure those starts & stops.


APQS Liberty


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Okay you have all said everything, but I have been using Rainbows long before King Tut and had a lot of problems with breaking and loops and when KT came along I stopped using Rainbows. BUT after I got the Towa gauge and now get the bottom tension set correctly the top tension is a piece of cake. I love the look of Rainbows on batiks especially, and I have almost every color made. I have started using them again, a lot. Now it's easy to get the top tension adjusted correctly with no breaking and no loops. I thread only thru 2 holes on the tension gauge, no nets, no sewers aid and always use a 3.5 needle. I like the smaller needle on batiks because you don't get the BIG hole and I think the smaller needle is a bit sharper for that tight weave.

Now for King Tut, I have found you really have to tighten your tension, with some of them almost as tight as you can get it, yet with the black and very light KT's I find I have to loosen it to almost the Rainbow settings..Go figure..the only thing consistent with KT is the top tension is different with different colors. I don't find this to be a big issue as long as I know the bottom tension is correct. I only use Botton Line and I wind my own, so I hardly ever have to adjust my bobbin.

I love Lava, the colors match the Rainbows but do agree they aren't as quite as pretty as the Rainbows, but very easy to quilt with. So if you don't really need that sheen, you will love using the Lava's.

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