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NQR but funny - hope not to offend.

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You know what they say: Your sins will find you out!!!! I had to share the latest GD story.

Meredith is 3 years old and a little princess to the bone. But she listens carefully and is a quick study. Her mother uses the “S” word in front of her and Meredith has caught on. She not only knows how to use it, she knows when. Just the other day Meredith came home from day care and opened the refrigerator. Her mom said, “Meredith, what are you looking for?” “Chocket Milk,” was the reply. “We are out of chocolate milk, honey,” came the reply. “Well, sit!,” Meredith said. Mom turned to her and said, “Honey, we can’t say that word. That is a bad word that Mommy uses sometimes and I will not use it anymore either. But, I don’t want to hear you say it again.” Little Meredith poked out her bottom lip, lowered her little head and whispered, “Sit!”

Days later her dad took her to a town celebrations where a band was playing and later there were fireworks. She danced and danced and later he took her to his truck to see the fireworks display. When they got into his truck, she said, “Sit, I not hear de band!” He pretended he didn’t hear.

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Too cute!

We call them dollar words...if we say them Tanner gets a dollar to put in his bank, if he says them we take a dollar either from the bank or allowance.

Though, when I was little my mom tells a story of me riding between her and my dad in the back seat of the car. I was standing up (before car seats) and they told me to sit down. I did but muttered schlit (my version) as I did. They gave me a light smack on the mouth to which I muttered schlit again under my breath that they tried to ignore and not laugh.

Guess no one was surprised I turned out the way I did. :P

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both beautiful little girls. I am sure that they will watch their language from now on nothing like a little parrot repeating it at the absolute wrong time to make you keep a check on what you say in front of them.

My little grandson was only about 2 years old when I was laying down with him while he fell asleep. We had said our prayers and all was quiet and then all of a sudden in a very soft voice he said the F--- word. I couldnt believe it. I didn't move or make a sound, then about a minute later he said it again. I knew this time for sure it was deliberate, still didnt say a wordkback to him. He was quiet for a few minutes and then finally he said. GRAMMA DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID? LOL

I said, yes Brody I did and I dont ever want to hear you say that word again. Is it bad Gramma? Yes, Brody it is a very bad word! I thought so because a boy in my class said it and he went to timeout!! He never did say it again, but I about died hearing him say that and then checking to be sure that I had heard it!! Kids are really something!

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My cousins decided that they would swear in Italian so that if their 2-year-old daughter should happen to repeat it, no one would understand what she was saying. All went well until the little darling spouted off her new vocabulary in front of my grandmother (her great grandma). Needless to say, Grandma wanted to know what they were teaching the child. It all comes back to haunt you eventually.

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She is a cutie and has the makings of a gorgeous young woman. I find it a challenge and I pray for the wisdom for how to shape and mold these little souls as they grow into adulthood. It makes me want to be a better person knowing they are watching and listening to everything I do and say. I sure don't want to be a stumbling block to them.

Sylvia, are the dress-up clothes purchased or, did you make them? I've often thought of starting a collection of old dresses, shoes, hats, gloves, etc. for them when they come to my house. I love having tea parties with them.

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These dress-up clothes came from Toys-R-Us because we wanted them to be "PinCes" clothes. Everything has to be Princess and pink. Even her room is done with Princess this and that. We have started a collection of items we get at thrift stores like hats and scarfs and such. The flashier the better they like it. All the clothes I have made her have been real ones to wear. I plan to make her a ton of jeans for the winter with sweatshirts to match.

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We were in a small store one day and heard a little guy about 4 say a curse word. The Mom told him she was sorry but he would have to stand in that corner for 5 min, for talking like that. He with a puckered lip and big tears whelling up in his eyes, said, Well ok, but you stand in that corner caus you said it first. The Mom looked rather astounded, walked over to her corner and they both stood in time out for 5 min, then went and hugged each other and said they were sorry. I was amazed, and thought it a good idea.


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