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Hi Doodlebug, I am sorry for your anguish! My Laptop died a few months ago and of course, I didn't have it backed up. I have a new one, and I am still not backing up, how silly of me! I just gave myself a shlap on the head.

I do subscribe to AVG Internet Security and Virus protection and my computer is on 24 hours a day and I do feel safe. Knock on wood it stays that way. I keep my fingers crossed that you will get your pictures and information back.

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I don't mean to beat a dead horse here, but as an ex-Apple, IBM, Dell, and a couple of chip mfr employee throughout my way-too-long career, I just really wanted you to know there is no safe computer brand. It doesn't matter if it is an Apple - they aren't safe either. The reason many people believe they are (and I did work in IT) is because by percentage, there are less of them worldwide, and therefore, less enemies by percentage, who sit around doing mean thing like writing those evil Trojans to damage a computer mgr/software company's reputation. That's all it is. Trust me, we also got them internally at Apple, Dell and IBM - and we had some of the best software, and tons of it!

Everyone needs a virus and a trojan protector. They also need something like Ad-Aware and Spy-bot (make sure it's the right site - there is one that's bad out there) both, and Avg is pretty good and all free. There are no perfect ones. It doesn't matter what you pay or not pay for, there are always loopholes that any virus/Trojan can get through in any protective software. Remember, while a protection software is good, people are writing the bad stuff faster than any company can write something to protect us from it. There is simply more devious minds out there than there then we know about :) Think how much money those bad minds could make if they put them to good use!

So...back up. Lots of things can be retrieved. All is hardly ever really lost. Take it to a good repair person - they can help a lot.

I hope this dispels some myths that any good PC/Mac person will tell you - and that you don't trust a myth...and do your backups :)

And yes, it's true, and not a myth...I/T folks are the worst! I myself, probably haven't done one in quite some time...and need to get to it!

Debbie in Austin

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Originally posted by dgroby

And yes, it's true, and not a myth...I/T folks are the worst! I myself, probably haven't done one in quite some time...and need to get to it!

Debbie in Austin

Oh how true. I make sure the mainframe is backed up every day and the high availability back up machine is backed up every day, but when it comes to my own personal PC, I'm a failure.

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I picked up a Trojan on my computer a couple of days ago and I believe it was from a link on this site - as soon as I clicked on the link the messages started appearing. I caught it before it changed my registry but not in time to stop it totally. I had to call for computer assistance to rid my computer of it. First time ever in all the years on the net. PCspyware 2010 is a Trojan and it tries to make you think your computer is infected so you will click on it's link- well don't do it and don't let it change your registry. I was lucky I recognized it as a trojan and asked for help. Hopefully we are all running anti-virus software scans on our pc's at least daily to not only protect ourselves but others. This is no one's fault and just part of using the net - anyone can get them and pass them along without even knowing it. Mercedes

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Debbie is right, people in the industry preach backing up, but are not usually good about doing it themselves. I was a tech support rep before I started quilting. And when I realized my last laptop was going, I did my first backup on it. I had had it for 5 years and had never backed it up. So even though I used to preach the importance of backing up, I did not do it. Luckily, I was able to get it backed up before it became a doorstop. I am pretty good about backing up my essential things like my QBooks file, but am still not good about backing up my documents and pictures.

Even if you have the best virus protection, you can still get a virus. And it is a good idea to set your anti virus software to update automatically. The big named ones are usually really fast at getting new updates out when there is a new virus.

I hope that things are going better for Doodlebug and that they were able to retrieve the things off her hard drive.

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If you get an external hard drive you can set up backups to run automatically and you never have to think about it again. I have two external drives, which might be overkill, but if one fails then I have another. And I use Second Copy software available at http://www.centered.com/ and costs $29.95. I have the backups to run as Exact Copy and don't have to think about or understand differential or incremental backups and don't have multiple copies of copies. I did not install the softwre thaqt comes with the drives. I have pictures, personal documents, husband's business documents from before he retired, taxes, a b'zillion machine embroidery files, etc. You can set up the Second Copy to run hourly, daily, every X days, once per week, or whatever you want. It has saved me from loosing everything more than once. Not associated, just a happy user. If anyone purchases Second Copy and wants help setting up I would be happy to do so, but it is extremely easy to use.

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Shannon's box has finally arrived here in the boonies of Eastern Washington, in one piece and lovingly cushioned with batting. Too bad you didn't send a big enough piece that I could actually use, Doodlebug!;)

Will keep you all posted on how much of her info we can restore - keep all your appendages crossed!:P

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Good news is that most of Shannon's data will be recoverable.:P

Bad news is that it may take some time: more than just "mirroring" her data from one disk to another, "flattening" her box and restoring the programs and data. Seems that some of the files are protected, so the files have to be transferred in chunks, some large and some small.

My DH is hoping to have the whole process done so that we can ship her box back to her tomorrow, but rarely does anything to do with a computer run smoothly.....:(

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Originally posted by barbm

Good news is that most of Shannon's data will be recoverable.:P

Bad news is that it may take some time: more than just "mirroring" her data from one disk to another, "flattening" her box and restoring the programs and data. Seems that some of the files are protected, so the files have to be transferred in chunks, some large and some small.

My DH is hoping to have the whole process done so that we can ship her box back to her tomorrow, but rarely does anything to do with a computer run smoothly.....:(

Well its not even my computer and I'm doing the happy dance.....the fact that it ALL wasn't lost is a major deal, but to find that MOST of it is recoverable is a MAJOR MAJOR great deal.... Doing the happy happy dance....:P:cool::P

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Doodlebug, sorry this has happened to you. We finally just got my business computer back in shape after an automatic update wouldn't let it restart! I have now, (just 2 minutes ago) ordered a time capsule for my mac. This should do the back-ups wirelessly and save me major headaches.

Thanks all for all your stories and advice. I don't post much since I quilt differently than most of you, but I do enjoy all of you here.

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don't gasp too hard, I quilt with George, most of it free hand and definately not up to my level of comfort of sharing at the moment. It is coming, right now I'm working on a quilt for my son and each block is being done freehand. Someday I'll get my act together and get a quilt planned ahead of time.

I am in awe of the work you show. Right now I haven't had (or taken) much time to practice.

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madelyn- we ALL were new at this once. Some of us just have more time under our belts than others. you'll be running with the big dogs soon enuf. I know I miss lazing on the porch...

on a side note: my computer has a virus, and this morning I woke up with a cold. *darn*

aren't life's ironys a hoot?

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And I stayed up last night rearranging the sewing area!! and am lazy this morning. Today I go get the daughter from college for the weekend. Since that is taking at least 3 hours today, I'm just not motivated to get into a project. It will be easier once I get the room back in shape. Sure is hard to use a machine when there is stuff all over the top of it!

So good to read that your computer is back in business. Now if delivery was "Speedy!" Have a good day, hope the virus gets knocked out quickly.

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