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Hey Bonnie Botts!!!

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Wanna give a big shout out to you to see when your new baby will arrive?. You mentioned Shannon was going to visit. You also mentioned you were going to add thread guides. If you want and because I know she can help you get the juki needle guide on I can send you my extra one. It was so nice to meet you at our Moxie meeting. I am really enjoying you DVD on your famous starch and steam method. I learned a lot. Let us know about your new baby...

Your friend Nora


Washougal WA

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Originally posted by nora123

Wanna give a big shout out to you to see when your new baby will arrive?. You mentioned Shannon was going to visit. You also mentioned you were going to add thread guides. If you want and because I know she can help you get the juki needle guide on I can send you my extra one. It was so nice to meet you at our Moxie meeting. I am really enjoying you DVD on your famous starch and steam method. I learned a lot. Let us know about your new baby...

Your friend Nora


Washougal WA

Okay first things first...I leave TOMORROW, to get down there late Friday night....will actually meet and pick up the new kid Saturday, to come home in a nasty rain storm, but it will be okay.

Yes, Shannon is planning to come visit, in late January 2010, and we have talked about her coming not only for a visit, but to actually do some classes so that will be announced soon....I need to get the studio back up and make things ready, right now I couldn't get a small mouse in my area...way to much stuff, that needs to be rehoused, or repacked.

Nora...glad you liked the CD....and will start a tips and techniques booklet in the near future, with color photos...that I hope to have out by January 1st or so. It will be just things that I do and use and some of my short cuts, that I learned over the years. Maybe things you have already figured out, and maybe some new ones Its just in the planning stage right now.

Will take pictures on Saturday, it could be an amusing day....:P

It was so great to be able to come play with you all last weekend, it was great, and I'm glad you were able to get something out of the Spray Starch and Steam method, and happy I was able to help.

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

So Bonnie, since you have been quilting all your life, do you think you will sleep tonight knowing what you get tomorrow??

Up until tonight I can say without a doubt I can sleep, but as we are getting closer, I can say I honestly am getting ansy and would just as well like to head out tonight. BUT the man upstairs once again has said no, not yet....and made my brakes go out of my vehicle last night, and now I have an appointment to get them fixed in the morning and leave as planned by around 3pm. Otherwise I might have gotten in the car and headed out tonight.... pinch me....is this really real FINALLY its my turn.

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Shannon--don't forget us left coasters!!

You have a huge fan base here--think of the thirty-plus Moxies who would love to take a class. My place, or maybe someone in the Portland area?? Pleeeeaaassse.....(insert whiney smilie here!)

Oooo--maybe Lynda at Seaside. Her studio is huge and the beach is two blocks away!! Guess I should ask her before I volunteer her!:P

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