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I started out with the brown wheels. When I switched I was in the same place you are, asking everyone. A lot of people told me to go with edgeriders, but a few told me they didn't see a difference. I went with the black APQS wheels. Last year at MQS I was able to try a new Millie with edgeriders that was set up in a classroom. I have been kicking my own hiney since....go with the edgeriders you will not be sorry....I am saving my pennies to do the same.

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Thanks everyone! I'm tired of driving a truck with out power steering! I have been having trouble with a sluggish machine lately and finally had it!I called APQS this morning for help. Amy was wonderful with suggestions on how to check my table for potential problems. She also sent instruction by e-mail with pictures and everyting! LOL My Millie is a 2000 and I still have the old style table from my Ultimate I. I think it is time to do a total table overhaul! Rechecking for level, tightening up anything and everything. LOL. Wait till my Hubby gets home and sees what I have in store for him! You all have convinced me that edgeriders are the way to go as far as new wheels are concerned.

Joyce, I think I e-mailed you last week and you sent me the link to the Edgerider page. Do I order my wheels from you directly? And how quickly can I get them?

I have too many quilts due out to be having this problem. My machine has been such a workhorse and always reliable. I have been spoiled by the reliability of the APQS machines. I just expect to go downstairs and away we go. I know with the new wheels and Amy's help, this too shall pass. Thanks, again for your input, and by the way, I really have enjoyed reading this forum.

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I am hoping Santa will bring me new wheels this year. Nora has the black wheels on her Milli and what a smooth ride! But you all say the Edgeriders are even better? MB has the black ones and wants the ERs? Now I am totally confused!! Oh well, I guess I have a month or so to finally decide!

(Joyce--you may be hearing from me soon!)

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Hi! I know I am probably the only person ever to say this but I liked my brown APQS wheels that came with my Milli better than the edgeriders I now have, I will change back at some stage but it is such a hassle LOL!

I find with the edgeriders my machine moves too easily, I have tightened them as far as they will tighten but once she gets going she will not stop and I keep overshooting the mark, and it is so much harder to control.

Having said that I have mainly done pantos so far, so I can't comment on which is better when doing custom.


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Originally posted by smudges

Hi! I know I am probably the only person ever to say this but I liked my brown APQS wheels that came with my Milli better than the edgeriders I now have, I will change back at some stage but it is such a hassle LOL!

I find with the edgeriders my machine moves too easily, I have tightened them as far as they will tighten but once she gets going she will not stop and I keep overshooting the mark, and it is so much harder to control.

Having said that I have mainly done pantos so far, so I can't comment on which is better when doing custom.


Wow Susan I had the complete opposite experience. I was thrilled when I put on my ER that I could stop on a dime if I wanted to.

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