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What kind of starch?

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I have a great big quilt on the frame right now with wavy borders. They are made of pieced strips. I read that some of you use spray starch to remedy this. What kind and can I get it at a local store?

I am hoping to be able to put feathers in the border but as it looks now, I'm not sure I can.


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From Bonnie (original post to Gable)

Spray Starch and Heavy Steam by Bonnie Botts

Gable...you can do it either before you frame it up or while on the frame. Sometimes the fluff, doesn't show until you have gotten down the quilt several rows and you realize that its getting bigger as you go. If that should happen you will need to work this trick from the point of notice till you get to the bottome. And it can be done while you work on the frame or off. BUT, you need to remember to have a heavy towel ready so that you can push from the bottom while you are using your iron (on high and Full steam) from the top. IF you need I will explain how I learned REALLY quick why you need the towel.

First, spray pretty heavy with the spray starch...I personally use the heavy professional ones. Brands it makes no difference, as long as its a good quality one.

Once its sprayed take your iron and hold it over the spot and start steaming and working the material into place. It may take a few minutes and some time (Also you may need to repeat a couple of times)....once you have the material hot start to apply some pressure....DO NOT rub, you are not wanting to stretch the fabric anymore than it has already been stretched...it will sort of work like a Shrink-A-Dink and just start to fold back onto itself and work back into place.

Also you may need to come further into the quilt...I've had several that I had to go almost to the middle of the quilt.

The only thing that once you have done this you must remember tell you customer what you needed to do...SOME customers don't like to wash their quilts right away...and if you forget to tell them and there are "Silver Fish" in your area, things could go south. Silver Fish love spray starch will eat the quilt...once its washed it won't draw them so things are good.

Ruthie has provided some GREAT pictures and as you can see it just goes back into place. NOW you will find there will be times that this doesn't work 100%, (piecer really stretched either the border or the top when they were sewing the two parts together) but I honestly have to say that even in those times....it will make such a difference that you won't have any trouble in finishing the quilt.

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I've never tried Mary Ellen's because I use just plain old starch and have for almost 20 years on my quilts and I've never had a problem! It is a whole lot cheaper! If you buy the 1/2 gal at around $2 you can make lots and lots of starch. The kind you mix is Stayflo. If you want it all mixed already it is the Niagra...whew finally remembered that one! LOL

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