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LOOK what I got MYSELF for Christmas!

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Hi Shana,

I have to have NON-shedding dogs due to allergies, so a schoodle is perfect. I hadn't even heard of them before my daughter dragged me into Petland just to show me Georgie. Neither of us had ANY intention of going home with a dog, but once we held them, there was no putting them back. We had to leave Nelly at the store for 4 days because we were staying in a hotel, but we went in to visit and hold her every day so she was already bonded with us when we picked her up and started the 4 hour drive home. She was perfect, and is so smart it's scary. I've already started on "Come, Sit, Lay Down, & Stay". She knows what "outside" means and goes within 30 seconds of us putting her down, and right now that means down into snow! She thinks it's fun and goes hopping and skipping through it. Then she toddles over to me and begs to be picked up and cuddled. I can manage that! :)

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Hi Darlene,

How adorable! I like the name "Nelly" ---I have a 9 yr. old Maltese-Poodle mix. "Bootsie" These little sweethearts are a bit more work in the grooming dept. But, the no-shedding is so worth it. The love and fun times they give are priceless.

I groom my little one myself as she gets so nervous at the groomers she gets sick. :(

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Linda, I seriously looked into getting a Sheltie about a year ago because I LOVE them, but knew I couldn't deal with the shedding. We've had poodles or a poodle mix for over 30 years, and this is the longest I've been without a dog. The day we got Nelly it had been 3 years, 2 months and 6 days. Hubby doesn't quite understand the "void" because he never had a pet growing up, but I have to tell you, Nelly has completely won him over. He doesn't like "yappy" dogs and this one has only made a little whining noise when she wants to go "outside". Hopefully, she'll stay quiet and calm as she gets older.

BTW, GD Maddie named her. I thought it was perfect. We've had Ginny, Kizzy, Luci & Desi, and now Nelly. Problem is, I go through all the names when I call her! She looks just like Kizzy, who lived to be 15. If she has that dog's personality I'll be very happy.

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Whoa, Nelly! She is just too darn cute, Darlene! Makes you just want to pick her up and cuddle with her! I was just thinking last night about when we got our cocker spaniel, Daisy, almost 7 years ago. My how things change. My mom and dad have 5 collie puppies born December 18, and I'm afraid to go see them for fear I might want to bring one home. Enjoy your little cutie pie there!

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