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NQR - surgery in my near future

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Only good thoughts and best wishes for all you you Heidi.............YOU need to take care of YOU, too. I've learned from personal experience that stressing over others can cause health problems for yourself. As said before, maybe MIL will "discover" that she is more able to do for herself than she has been letting on. As long as you were willing to do it, she was going to let you. :)

There was a man at the Assisted Living center where my Mom lives. He couldn't (wouldn't) do a thing for himself........until his wife died...........then miraculously, he is able to do all sorts of things now. :)

Hang in there and don't let everything get you down. I've never met you, but can tell you are a very kind and caring person.

Hey.........while you are "resting", design a feather template for borders for the QZ ! The swag is great. I haven't even bought mine yet, but my wish list is getting longer and longer. :P

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Praying for you and your family, Heidi, hope all things go well with your surgery and with your DH's medical issues. Also for your MIL. I know it they don't want to impose, but they don't realize how difficult it really is when you have to run to their houses to help them. Praying for you.

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heidi -

i'm still praying. but here are some suggestions for those 2 days you have to stay in bed. you won't even miss you machine.

1. bring your laptop. i will mark my calendar and keep you busy with stupid questions all day!!!

2. bring a notebook and design some more QZ templates!!!

3. use said notebook to start drawing your next wholecloth masterpiece.

4. save up your bindings to hand sew.

5. any other handsewing - start piling it up in the corner of your room now. (might be a good time to take up handturned applique)

you know, my mom always used to say, 'you cant take care of anybody or anything else if you dont take care of yourself.' she was right.

make yourself stay there - YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!

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You guys are just the best and i so appreciate all the prayers.


You are a crack up! I will definitely have my laptop and I have two other work laptops as back-ups! So first day I should be still a little drowsy from surgery...hopefully! Most of the time pain meds don't do much for me. They normally have to give me at least double the normal person just to knock me out! LOL they finally added it to my medical record. Everytime I have surgery it is the same thing. They guarantee me they will be able to knock me right out and they never can and I make them eat their words.

I think I'm going to pull out some of the handwork I have to do. I may even start the embroidery of those baby dolls on the quilt that Linda did. I just so want to do that quilt. It was so beautiful. Who knows though if I'll actually get it going but I can try. I have some knited dish cloths that everybody loves so I know I can do that. I may even get time to read a book! I haven't had time to do that in a long time. I'm sure for 2 days I can get enough stuff to do but I'll know that I have friends ready to chat online if needed! oh and I have my notepad so I can doodle right on my laptop! LOL Adam might be sorry I'm stuck at home! :P:P:P

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Ohhhhhh nooooo, I feel for you and my foot hurts for you. I've had foot surgery. Follow the doctors orders to a T, and remember, it's only 2 weeks and your foot is with you for a very very long time. It bears all your weight so it's very important to do exactly as the doctor orders - so you need to find activities that will occupy your time as you heal. These nerve issues are terrible. I've had both broken bones and the neuroma issue. Thank goodness for anti-inflamatories, ice, and yes those dreaded cortizone shots between the toes - ouch. I hope recovery is quick and as pain-free as possible.

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

Hugs from Nevada to you, my friend. Prayers too for all situations. The Lord knows the things before us and has already worked them all out for His good! You need the rest...and to stay off your feet for those couple of days!

I like Meg's ideas...Adam just might be sorry!

Adam will not be nearly as sorry as my dh! I just ordered the swag..no doubt i will NEED whatever else she comes up with. :)

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Prayers are already being said for you, your DH, and your MIL. I am praying that you will soon be pain free and back to doing the quilting you love. Do follow the Dr.'s orders. Doing too much too soon can cause problems (I know firsthand!). Take care,


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