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Got my quilts back from MQS Minus 2 ribbons

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I received my quilts back today from MQS which was really fast, however I was really sad to realize that two of my ribbons are missing. My teacher award from Irena Bluhm and my piecing award on my Super Stars Quilt. I've contacted Irena and she says that they had already contacted her to see who she awarded it to. Hopefully it is in the mail. On a good note I was very pleased with the remarks on my judging sheets. I've learned where I need to improve and what the judges liked. That was the whole purpose to entering. Hopefully my ribbons will turn up quickly.

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O Heidi, I do hope those ribbons catch up with you real soon. You must be so tickled to receive the ribbons for your work. And especially lovely to receive one from Irena, very special. My daughter is a figure skater and, of course, when she was tested at different levels she would be critiqued. She loved it, always something to work on. Although what one judge wants developed, another judge likes just fine. Very subjective. Wonderful though to take the comments and use them to further yourself. When you receive those ribbons, I'd love to see some pictures. Awesome work! :cool:

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Oh NO! I hope the ribbons will arrive soon. I always like the judgeing sheets and I really smile when they say just what I think the will and always like the liked items!

Heidi your quilts re beautiful and any judge sure be pleased to get the chance to view them!

Hope your foot is better and better!!!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

..... On a good note I was very pleased with the remarks on my judging sheets. I've learned where I need to improve and what the judges liked. That was the whole purpose to entering.

Yes indeedy, Missy! :) You have the right attitude about the quilt shows, why you enter and the benefit of entering. So proud of you!!! :)

Now, with that said, I will venture to bet that there was an honest mistake and that your ribbons were meant to be with the quilt but somehow got misplaced. So go with that attitude and feel assured that your ribbons will eventually show up to you, and if not, they can get replacements made. Just talk to MQS about it. They will make good. :)

Hang in there girl and stay off that foot!

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Heidi, congratulations on the ribbons!! Even if they aren't in your possession at the moment, I know you are very deserving. I didn't attend the show but would certainly like to see your quilts sometime in person, at the rate you are going you could do a one woman show soon! Like eveyone else I hope the foot is healing fast. My daughter had both feet done while in high school and at the same time, She had to start her Sophmore year in those funky flat shoes, good thing she was always confident in herself!

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Originally posted by SandraG

Are we going to be able to stay in the same room with you!!!! I know we will! Congrats, we are all proud of you.


Do you have to ask? You and everybody will always be welcome in my room! I'm very humbled by my ribbons and there are so many that dind't ribbon that deserve them too.

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Heidi: Hope your ribbons come soon. Your quilts are gorgeous!!!!

I got my quilts today too. . . like you said that was super fast. I too was very happy with the judges comments, will help alot with the next one for show:)

I hope your foot feels better soon.

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Heidi, when Claudia picked up her quilt it also had 2 teacher ribbons, one from Judy Woodwoth, and one from Linda Taylor. We stopped to talk to Jackie Latham before we left and Claudia unfolded the quilt. There was only one ribbon, the one from Linda Taylor was not there. Someone went back in and came back with the ribbon. I don't know how it came off the quilt, but they mentioned that they wished there was a place on the ribbon to write the quilt name or number so that they knew who they belong to when they came off. So this must happen from time to time. Sorry you didn't get it, but someone probably has it and if you are in contact with the powers that be, you will proababy get it back. Congratulations on your awards.

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I would think they could staple the owners name, quilt and award, if not evident, onto the cardboard and ribbon flaps behind the ribbon, to be quickly and easily read and placed with the right quilt.

Oh they could tape it on, no staples rusting to get on the quilt. a Recipe card from the Dollar Tree would do nicely, could be cut in half to make it more economical. I'd not use a post-it as the self stick side gets too much lint on it and it won't stick after a move or two.

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Thanks everybody. It is a true honor to get a ribbon. I love what I do and I'm glad others love it too!

Rita - yes you would think there would be a better way. They actually have a card with each quilt that they could pin the ribbons too so they didn't get lost. I sent an email but still haven't gotten a response. Hopefully they are already in the mail.

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