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Picture of the kids (reason for the home business!)

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Thanks for all the comments on the T-shirt quilt!

While I take a coffee break and I learned to post pictures (Yea!), thought I post a picture of our kids. They're the main reason I started my home business - to be able to stay home for them while making some money. I'm sooo furtunate to have a supportive husband with a good, secure job with benefits to be able to do something I love!

Here they are at my most favorite place - the Outer Banks of NC!!

Marissa 16 - she just got her license and we made her sign a driving contract (which is dumb or so she says - but no agree to it and sign it no drive). Yes, it includes cell phone/texting use. I tell her all I have to do is get on Verizon to check times. But she's a good kid!

Brad 13- what can I say he's a teenage boy!

Elyse 12 - my "spirited" child

Calista 9 - our "oops" child, but wouldn't trade her for anything!

They're all honor students and involved in sports/music etc. They're good kids and we want them to stay that way.

Do they sew/quilt? Somewhat, but I think it's ingrained in them somehow!

Thanks for letting me share!


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A beautiful family for sure....and its well worth the other headaches that you are able to stay at home and be there. I wasn't with our daughter, but am making up for it with our oldest Grandaughter that lives with us.;)

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The children are beautiful, and all look happy.. the two oldest look like 2 of our gks, your oldest girl looks like our Ashley and the older boy looks like our 15 year old, Grandson, Michael. It is wonderful you can take them to the beach.. not so sure we've been on the outer banks, yet.

Enjoy, pray lots, praise them lots, too.


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