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note of appreciation

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I have a minute to just jump in quickly and echo the sentiments of my sisters. If it weren't for this forum and the wonderful people here, I would have thrown in the towel a long time age. I don't get to visit even every day and seldom get to post but I always wonder about everyone and am so excited when I have a minute to check in and see what everyone is up to. the inspiration, the support, the laughter and tears are truly an amazing part of my life. so thanks you Peg for starting this and thank you all for sharing life and quilting.

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I also want to thanks Peggy for starting this thread. I love this forum. I have belonged to other groups and pretty soon people aren't getting along and snide remarks are being made about people asking questions and well, the group isn't fun anymore. This group is so NOT like that it is so wonderful. I absolutely love this group and miss everyone when I can't get on-line for a time.

Thanks everyone for making this the greatest forum.

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I have to agree.. wonderful folks, and hugs to all.. I don't have any long armers, though I belong to a guild and am teaching a small class with NO organization. I have two online friends I talk to usually frequently, but lately they are going thru trials and I don't want to bother them.

thanks again everyone.


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Me too!!! I am always so appreciative of the support and encouragement you all give and I hope I give it too. I had a period recently of a few months away from the forum....I am sooo glad to be back and I hope to be able to meet you in person one day. I love this forum and all of you as well. Someone pass me a virtual tissue LOL have a great day girls.;):):D

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Me, too! I've learned more from this forum than I can say. I've even passed on the information to non-forum quilters that have benefitted, too. I'm very appreciative of the opportunity to share here. This is a very caring and encouraging quilting "family".

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I too have to ditto what has been said about this forum. I do not belong to any other, but I can't even imagine that any come close to the information and generous sharing that comes across from the best group of quilters around. I have learned so much and hope to learn much more in the future. Thank you all for your inspiration and teaching skills. :) Dar

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Without this forum I know that I'd feel very lonely......this hobby/profession can be a very lonely one.

So I really appreciate having playmates/workmates, and I especially appeciate all the mentors who are willing to help and share.

Thank you, thank you.

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I love you guys and this forum!!! On many levels you are my quilting reality! ;)

I've been away lately and am going away again for a few weeks but I'll check in while I'm gone. Summers are insane and this one is the worst for being away.

Hopefully, while I'm gone, I'll have the time to get to my laptop and organize my quilting photos. I need to get them posted here and on my Webshots. Isn't that what vacations are for? :D

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