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Special Gift for Shannon

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The other night I actually remembered to turn the light on before I went out to he studio. When I came back in and it was dark!!!!! Right by the steps to the back door to the house was a rattle snake that was about 2.5 feet long. I stepped around him came inside got DH and he killed him. Man was I thankful I had turned the light on. I would have stepped right on him!

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we took the kids to the pool yesterday (it is a pond really)...and near the edge of the water was a 18" bull snake. I wish i had a camera as the lifeguard tried to get the snake in a water bottle. it actually went in the bottle...then popped right back out! it was hilarious. all my kids wanted to keep the snake...but since we messed with it so much to get it away from the pool...we felt it best to leave it. :)

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Originally posted by DoryJM

As a parting gift for Shannon, she got to see a rattlesnake tonight.

Nuthin a Colt 45 wouldn't cure! Actually we went camping over the weekend in the high country and saw a couple rattlers. I was sure we'd run over one with the truck/trailer but when we went back on the 4 wheeler, he was gone. Made us wonder if he was wrapped up under the trailer somewhere! Nobody was willing to crawl under the trailer to find out!

Welcome to the Wild, Wild West, Shannon!:cool:

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We get rattlers all the time in the buildings here at work. We are surrounded by open fields and they are all over the place. Water Moc's, too, from the couple a ponds close by. The guys kill them all the time. I think they are after the mice and possums around the buildings. Just hate snakes, they all need to just go away!

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