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NQR Drum roll. . . . . .TA DA

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It is done, except for a little touch-up. Thanks to all who looked and commented. This is my contribution to our little world of quilting. As you view this quilt wall, may you be blessed with many hours of creativity in your quilting, and may it put a smile on your face and a song in your heart in the days ahead.



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If I had a paintbrush in a pen, my friend would love to "quilt" it. I'm not a "freehander". How about if I have volunteer longarmers to come by and "freehand" a block? I could post it as a "how to quilt this" project?? Fun, huh? Any volunteers out there?

Another thought---sidewalk chaulk---washes off in the rain----this could be a perpetual PPP! :P

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You are right Anna. I never imagined it would be so cheery to view from my window. :D

Melora, technically it isn't a barn in the sense of animals and a farm. It is DH's "shop" and garage and the man cave. He allowed me to decorate the outside--bless his heart, I love him.

Linda, S&R; and Patty Jo, let's have a quilting "B":D

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