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This is an old Post.....I've jammed up my Millie!

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Have a margarita or two for for me...it's jammed good and proper....I've just watched the timing video...but it's not just the timing, I'll have to take off the whole bobbin assembly too and see if I can get that needle point out with out too much damage....

I didn't intend to buy titanium needles....they came as a bit of a mix up/confusion and I thought I would try one to see how it went....I was just going to finish quilting this row of blocks ...just another two blocks and then change the needle...guess I should have changed it straight away when I thought about it!!!!

Never again will I use titanium needles!!!!!

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Hi Kay, just seen your post. I wish I could offer some advice, but i think you have tried everything that i would have said. When I jammed a needle jiggling the fly wheel released it for me.

I dont think this will be the problem, but have you took the side panel off to check for any thread having got in and causing the jam.

Hope you get it fixed soon, I know it gives one hell of a fright when this happens.

but I am sure you will get it sorted.

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Really bad April Fools Joke????

I have found bits of needles down below in the rolls of batting I have under my machine before. I am like you - keep looking until I find all of the parts!

Kay - I sure do hope you have been able to get that tip out of there by now! :o

Heidi - You need to just go quilting ~ Heck with everybody else! Maybe not after all of those margaritas, or you might have the same problem as Kay then!! :cool:

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:o OMG! :oYou mean that shiny gold thing is the tip of the needle? Dang gurl, no wonder you couldn't budge. So sorry!!!

Do you have needle nose pliers? Really squirt wd40 and oil in there to loosen as much as possible then be super careful (like surgery) not to damage the other bobbin assembly parts while you remove that thing. So sorry........Yikes.

Do you have some magnification glasses like a jeweler's visor? That way you can really see what you're doing.

PS: I am proud of you for your bravery and for sharing the journey. I know you will fix this and will be a hero. I see a happy ending in sight.

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Wow, what a pain this is! Since I am not a quilter any longer, I am probably not qualified to speak up...but you know I can't keep my mouth shut. When I was quilting, this is exactly why my DH said no titanium needles. These needles just do not give like the regular needles do and end up doing more damage than good. I know that doesn't help you. I am sorry to see you going through this.

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Hi Kay,

That is a really nasty tip stuck in there! now that you have removed the hook you may be able to remove the top overlapping portion of the hook tip. You will see about 4 small screws holding the hook top section in place. Use a tiny screwdriver so that you don't strip the heads. Start with the two closest to the hook tip. Removing those two first may release enough pressure on the hook section to let the needle tip out. Place the screws in order or mark them and your hook in some way so the same screws end up in the same holes.

If you have to remove the entire overlapping section, handle it carefully so that it doesn't change its shape. With a little luck you will get the tip out this way. Then put it back together, and check for burrs. Buff them out with very fine emery cloth. Then go through the hook reinstallation and timing. Send me an email if you need the instructions. Hang In there!

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I did that with one of my industrial sewing machines. The machine wouldn't turn at all. It was jammed. I had to take apart where the bobbin slips in and clean it out, oil it and replace everything back in the same way I took it apart. The timing wasn't so bad. I just watched where the needle came down and tightened the screw. Never did it on the Millie though. But I'm sure its the same concept. I blew my fuse too, (placed the needle plate the wrong way and started sewing, duh!! ) I order 1/2 dozen fuses for a spare. Always good to have spare parts. Hope your up and running soon!

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Blimey Kay it is well and truly stuck in there, hope you get it all sorted out following Dawns advice of what to do next. Well done for taking it all out.

Do you think this would have still happened with a regular needle at that thick seam junction? The needle I had snap last week was a regular one and the first breakage in 15 months, it wasnt even on a thick seam. I was just lucky I guess.

I do hope you get sorted so that you can continue with your gorgeous quilt.

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Hope by now you've been able to sort this out and that everything is OK. Once you have everything back together pat yourself on the back and look at how much more experience you have & how your skill-set has grown! At least WE can work on these machines & don't have to rely on finding a local service engineer.

I have spent ages looking in the quilt and machine for broken needle tips to find them later lodged in the carpet. It's always a relief to find the missing needle tips. Note the plural - yes I have several times broken needles!

Tracey, good to hear from you. Wondered what you were up to?

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Dang, Kay, when this is all said and done you'll qualify for a PHD in hookology! I'd just panic. I'd stay paniced for several days then I'd have a few drinks and try and do what Dawn said. That tip just burried itself didn't it? So far every tip I have found has been in the carpet. I even bought a strong magnet to pick up those tiny tips.....well and pins that fall to the floor.....Let us know when you are back up and running! Good luck to you (and for what you have already done - a BIG GOOD JOB!)

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Oh my! Kay, thanks for the pictures and the discription of your journey through this "accident." I'm gld you are almost back up and running.

Linzi - I got goose bumps when you said you were heading to Tobermory. I was there 2 1/2 years ago and will be heading there the end of July, but probably just for 2 nights on Mull. I hope to get back to Iona, as well, as the weather was so bad (heavy rains and winds) that I couldn't stay on the island for long if I expected to take the ferry back the same day, as they were stopping the service till the weather improved. I can't wait!

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