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Quilting and a healthy lifestyle

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I am glad to hear that so many of you have been exercising and aiming for healthy eating habits. I think I was too restrictive in just asking who was on weight watchers. That has worked for me but there are many other healthy eating programs. What would you think about keeping this post going for a week of mutual support. If we want to keep up the comments and encouragement we can restart it every week. One week at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time.

I told a friend today that fighting food that looks so appealing but I know isn't a good choice for me is like an alcoholic fighting booze. She said that nothing tastes as good as being a healthy weight feels. Talk about delayed gratification!

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I try to walk 5km every morning and start my day with a healthy breakfast. Lately a boiled egg, 1pc of whole grain toast and some fruit, starting your day off with a good breakfast with protein can leave you feeling full longer and you are less likely to overeat throughout the day. (esp if you eat healthy meals and snacks)

Anyways it is really important for we who quilt daily to exercise and stretch to prevent injury which could sideline us later.

My one downfall that I struggle with is that I love to have a snack at night with my glass of wine which wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't so close to bedtime.

I would like to challenge everyone today to do at least 10 minutes of some type of exercise, a walk, gardening, weights, stretches or something...

Have a great day!!!

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Does walking back and forth at my 14' quilting table count as exercise ?? :P Seriously though......my chiro said that stretching for 10 minutes a day is the best thing I could do for myself...........AND to take frequent breaks from the quilting/sewing machines to stand up, walk around, stretch.

Today I pledge to start tracking in my WW journal. That is my biggest downfall. It's so easy to "forget" what you eat and then before you know it, you are out of control. My weakness is ice cream. IF I could keep myself to that 1/2 c serving I will be OK. I bought some child size cones an will use those instead of a scoop and bowl. :)

I KNOW I do better when I eat a good breakfast in the AM. I stay satisfied most of the day and less likely to gorge myself at the evening meal. Now that the fresh fruits and veggies are coming on, that is a help. Some new things to satisfy our taste buds.

Have a HEALTHY day !

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Did anyone read an article about not eating fruit AFTER a meal? It seems it does not digest, but rots and could cause cancer. :o I forgot where I read it, and I don't know if it's true, but I remember thinking it made sense when I read the explanation. I have to google that!!!

Anyone else ever hear of that???

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sounds like an urban myth to me ... food is processed in the stomach by enzymes and other goodies. it won't just sit there and rot ... yuck ... think of the bad breath that would cause! i'd say, just eat WHATEVER in moderation and enjoy what you're doing ... life's too short. and as a cancer survivor the only bit of info i'd heard and was confirmed by my oncologist is that cancer produces a sugar-like substance (which is seen on a PET scan), but it doesn't necessarily mean that cancer 'likes' sugar. but avoiding sugar is a good thing anyway. sugar = legal drug...ask me how i know! sugar addict!! which i'm getting under control. dessert once a week. just my oh-so-humble opinion.

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OK Linda, Please be my tracking buddy since that is my down fall, too. I will go on WW next and enter my breakfast: cheerios and fresh blueberries--yum!

As a side note, I began thyroid replacement about two weeks ago and see a HUGE difference in my energy level--I have actually given up my second dose of coffee when I get to work. I am curious to see if that makes a difference in my WW results.

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Thanks for the challenge Wendyont. I accept! Yes protein also helps me get a solid start and skip the mid morning urge to grab a donut.

For those of us who love icecream (and my DH can hardly pass a Dairy Queen) a small cone of low fat soft serve is 4 points. You can save up for a treat now and then.

Oh quiltmonkey, I know about the time crunch. Good eating and 20 minutes of some exercise Sat and Sun plus one day during the work week might be something to try.

Newmillie2010 makes a good point about all foods in moderation. Nothing is off limits, just the amount we eat.

Looks like the challenge for all of us will be tracking this week....We can check in Monday and see how we did. REmember that failure is not final, it only gives a chance to


And remember to have STRETCH breaks no matter how good your eating and exercise plan is.

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I started WW in January and have lost 33 lbs, I feel better, my healthier eating is now habit. Just need to get off my duff and walk a bit to keep it going! Its a process and we have good days and bad. Just get back on track when you have a full-on comfort food day and don't beat your self up.

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Originally posted by dancingraisin

OK Linda, Please be my tracking buddy since that is my down fall, too. I will go on WW next and enter my breakfast: cheerios and fresh blueberries--yum!

As a side note, I began thyroid replacement about two weeks ago and see a HUGE difference in my energy level--I have actually given up my second dose of coffee when I get to work. I am curious to see if that makes a difference in my WW results.

You got it, Dancing..... :):):):)

I tracked my oatmeal this AM. 1 cup of REAL cooked oatmeal, 1 T of chopped pecans and 1/2 banana. Added a little Truvia sweetner. I just had some cantelope for lunch. Not sure what we will have for supper later. :)

I can't imagine that thing about no fruit after eating. I try not to eat after 7 PM. That seems to help me show a better weight loss. I drink lots of water, iced tea, Crystal Light lemonade. Once in a while I have a "fully leaded" Pepsi just to satisfy my craving..........:D

This thread is great !!!!! Thank you for starting it !!!!!!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Working outside the home 11 hours a day, it's hard to find time but I try to get a workout squeezed in there some where... :( It's hard tho when you don't have a lot of time.

I so know how you feel! Work all day come home dinner and quilt. I need to make it a priority and fit it in. My goal starting Monday. Too much to do today and tomorrow. We're finally going ot have Maddie's birthday party tonight. I can't wait for her to get here. Maybe I'll go out and run along her bike! LOL

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Due to health issues I HAD TO HAVE bypass surgery - had it July 2009 - lost 110 lbs (it's still off.) I made a commitment to myself two months after surgery to go to Pilates classes three days a week. I will schedule anything and everything around that because......if I don't make that commitment too many things get in the way - like quilting. I totally understand trying to lose weight and being healthy - I just had to have drastic measures taken for me to succeed. Sending positive thoughts to all of you who struggle with this issue.

Here's some info on eating fruit.



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i love this thread....we must take care of ourselves or we will be of no use to anyone!

for those of us that do not work outside the home, it is difficult to avoid the 'i'll do it later' syndrome.

i have found the trick is to get yourself into a routine and stick with it. the first days are hardest, but once you get going on it, you find you miss it if you have to skip.

here's my routine...

when i wake up - i head to the kitchen and take out my not so new book, a morning cup of yoga by jane goad trechsel - good book - has great yoga stretches in it that you can do right there in kitchen

eat some oatmeal & berries

walk frannie (my dog) 2 miles (in the winter i ride the elliptical) frannie hates the winter.

after this i am ready to start my day, usually no later than 9 am. (& before i did this i rarely started my day before then anyway as i would spend too much time on the computer, telephone or couch in front of good morning america and regis)

after dinner, i try to take a short walk, too. frannie loves to walk so i always have a partner, even if dh has the lazies!

i have found, at least for me, doing close to the same thing everyday makes SURE that i do what i'm supposed to....

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Someone said something about recipes for health.

Here is ours.

Stoup – Soup of Life

3-4 1bs. Marrow beef bones.

Bake bones in large cake baking tin

Line with aluminum foil. Oil under foil and above with Canola or peanut oil.

Inter lace with 2 cut up onions, and 2 large carrots.

Bake at 450 F for 45 minutes.

Baking breaks down the bones to release calcium.

Have ready a 16 quart pot with lid.

Put baked bones and veggies in pot and cover with water.

Add 2 onions

2 carrots

5 celery stocks cut to 1”

crushed garlic to taste

1 Tps Italian seasoning

1 tablespoon salt . More can be added later.

¼ cup cider vinegar to leach out calcium

Simmer for 6-8 hours.

Spoon off fat when convenient, but before taking out solid contents.

Have pots ready to take out bones and other solids, with tongs and holy spoon.

Strain broth into another pot or container.

Run butter knife thru marrow bones to break up marrow.

Put bones and solids back into large pot and add some water to simmer for another 15 minutes. This is like the 2nd pressing of the grapes or olives.

Skim off fat.

Remove solids and strain broth.

Add this broth to large pot with other broth.

You now have the Broth of Life


Your pot should be about half full of broth.

Bring back to simmer and add:

2 Diced Onions

Chopped Garlic to taste

3 sliced carrots, or baby carrots

1 can of Italian spiced tomatoes

2 sliced parsnips

1 quarter of a cabbage large chopped

1 green pepper

1 can mushroom pieces

2 Zuchini sliced lengthwise 2 ways and then cut into 3/4” pieces

2 red potatoes cut like zucchini

1 sweet potato the same

4 Celery stocks cut to 1”

Simmer 1 cup pearl barley in broth for 20 minutes and add to stoup.

1 Tin corn niblets

1 can white kidney beans

1 can red kidney beans

Salt to taste.

Add hot sauce to taste

Simmer for 20 minutes- stir gently if necessary

In last 5 minutes you can add:

Okra if you have it

Frozen peas

Some greens, such as Spinach, Not too much.

You can put in any other vegetables that you want the 2nd time you do this.

Let cool, and spoon off fat.

You can freeze in meal size plastic ziplock containers.

You will have about 20 meals for two.

After thawing, you can add rice, noodles.

We get roast chicken from the supermart, eat the leg and thigh and

freeze the breast to add to Stoup when serving. Do not boil chicken any more.

Sprinkle with parmesan cheese

We eat this at least twice a week. Each spoonful is different from the last,

because of the various vegetables and beans. Fun to eat as well as taster than any

other soup.

In between, we eat Beans and Greens made with chicken thigh/leg both,

Chili with lots of beans. Both from the freezer.

Fish, once a week. Fried in Coconut oil.

Every meal has a raw salad with romaine, red pepper, onion, broccoli, celery etc..

I bake the bones in the evening, and then simmer the soup the next day,

finishing it off in the evening.

Not as easy as opening a can, but it is packed with nutrition and low in calories and salt.

Just a suggestion.

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Guest Linda S

Oh yum! That soup sounds so good.

The thing about fruits eaten after meals rotting in your stomach is pure urban legend. You can look it up in Snopes.com

I am going to be getting up and walking before work each day. My life has been overly stressful lately and I need to find a release (besides quilting!). I hope this will help me out.

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Well I did the ideal protein diet and lost 30 pounds, need to loose 50 more, but there is no fruit on the plan and I fell off the wagon. Got to busy to live off of salads. Does remodeling a house and I have been tiling 6 hours a day count as exercise? I sure hope so. It is hard to eat right when you are in a house with no fridge, stove, microwave and just a toilet in the basement. I head over there about 9-10 every day and get home between 3:30 and 5:30 depending on where I'm at. i need to get back on that darn diet. I might have to try weight watchers or something else. The other was so restrictive and I would have done better if I hadn't cheated the whole time. It is hard when you family wants real food. Like potatoes, carrots, bread and pasta. None of which are on the diet I was on.


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While I'm off my WW wagon I can tell you the diet works! I'm a lifetime member. The reason it works is because it allows you to eat all foods, you just budget your points. My problem is not necessarily what I eat but how much I eat. Stress for me is a trigger and I think I've had a little of that in my life the last year! LOL Of course bags of chocolate are too many points and they have caught up with me. I can tell you that when I was on my WW's plan when I lost 10 pounds my lunch consisted of a Dairy Queen Blizzard and diet coke. It was sort of my treat not that you should reward yourself with food but I always looked forward to it and it pushed me to get there so I could enjoy. Now I have to do that again! Monday is my plan start day to get serious. I also need to work in a workout.

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Shana, I'm with you. Working 10 or so hours every day makes it really hard to get in any exercise, especially when I want to quilt when I get home! That is a constant struggle for me. Also, if I sit down for a few minutes to relax and clear my head, have trouble getting up and getting going on a walk or whatever. However, if I go upstairs and quilt, I am away from the food so don't sit and snack!

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Originally posted by hmerrill


While I'm off my WW wagon I can tell you the diet works! I'm a lifetime member. The reason it works is because it allows you to eat all foods, you just budget your points. My problem is not necessarily what I eat but how much I eat. Stress for me is a trigger and I think I've had a little of that in my life the last year! LOL Of course bags of chocolate are too many points and they have caught up with me. I can tell you that when I was on my WW's plan when I lost 10 pounds my lunch consisted of a Dairy Queen Blizzard and diet coke. It was sort of my treat not that you should reward yourself with food but I always looked forward to it and it pushed me to get there so I could enjoy. Now I have to do that again! Monday is my plan start day to get serious. I also need to work in a workout.

Heidi, we must be long lost sisters, as I, too, have the stress eating problem and portion control. I like food !!! :D My goal is to become a WW Lifetime member so I don't have to pay any more.

I've tried most of the other diets out there and WW is the only one that works for me..........not restricting. Any of those "eat only this" diets don't work for me. Even if I don't like a food and someone tells me that I can't have it, then I want it all the more. :(

I don't work outside the home and still don't get the exercise in. I hate it and put it off. We live 10 miles from town, so going to a gym isn't convenient..........cuts into my quilting time. ;) As long as I'm busy sewing/quilting and have my hands and mind busy, I'm not eating. Evenings are my hard time.

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For those of you who like ice cream, etc. my favorite treat, which I started when I was on WW, is using non-fat vanilla yogurt, add fresh fruit (frozen works well too) and then I like to top with about a teaspoon of grape nuts cereal for the crunch. If I freeze the fruit first it sooths the pallet just like ice cream.

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Went to the Sisters Oregon Rodeo last night, for those of you that know it is a small but big payout, famous rodeo in the West. Of course we were with friends and whooping it up so I blew my WW plan... Oh well, starting again this morning.

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I'm in the same boat as Shana, I work a 12 hour shift. Along with an hour drive to work and an hour back, so that doesn't leave much time for anything else. I do take the dogs on a 20 minute walk every day....weather permitting. I lost 40# in six months, but not in a healthy way. I've made a lot of changes in my diet over past month or so. It's been hard, being a country boy.....I like my meat and potatoes! But in the long run I know it is better for me and besides I don't want to put on the weight I lost.

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