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We had a small house fire

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That's right, an outlet in the laundary room caught on fire, the house filled with smoke and flames were shooting out of the wall. The fire company got the fire out, after ripping down sheet rock and siding. The fire didn't spread past the laundary room. If this had happened last weekend, we would have lost the whole house.

God was watching over us.

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Oh my!! you were lucky! hope that you didn't have much smoke damage in the rest of your house.

Makes me put installing my new smoke alarms in my laundry and basement a priority for tomorrow. My old ones were torn down along with my ceiling during my remodeling.

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Holy Moly Penny!!!!

God WAS totally smiling on you!

Not to minimize what may have happened --- BUT YOUR BRAND NEW MILLIE WAS THERE TOOO!

WITH the Circle Lord. Ha - that must be it! the circle LORD!

now I know I will have to look into that! :D

I am so very glad all of you are safe

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So glad you were home, and the damage was contained to the laundry room! Scary to think what could have happened. One of my quilting friends had a laundry room fire due to lint accumulation in the dryer vent. Thankfully she was home.

Perhaps you should have the rest of your wiring in your home checked.

Please let us know the outcome of this incident, and so glad everybody is O.K.

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