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Big Brother is watching - poor judgment

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

I was rather appalled to log onto Facebook this morning and find that APQS had chosen to publicize our improbable names for quilting companies post. I immediately came here and deleted the couple of posts I made with snarky business names. It was, in all likelihood, poor judgment on my part to have posted such things on a publicly-accessible forum, but I think we all feel pretty safe here, as it's just a bunch of us longarmers having good fun and sharing tips. Someone, however, has already taken exception to our language and proposed names, which I knew would happen the instant I saw the post. I would suggest the whole thread be deleted. This is not good publicity at all.

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WHAT, so now we have to be careful

of what we say and show here, that it

could end up on Facebook!!!!!

Shame on you APQS! I understand this is

your site, but we don't post here to have

it taken out of context.

I'm just saying, before this felt like a safe place.

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I guess I look at things a little differently. If we're willing to post here then anybody can see it. Facebook is really no different. I can see where somebody wouldn't appreciate the language but of course they have the option to not read it. I think it the post was fun and if I were judged by what I put then so be it. People are always judging and that is there right just as it is my right to not frequent a site that I found offensive. Personally I find nothing offensive about it and thought that it was just a funny post.

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Guest Linda S

I guess I will confine my humor about problem quilts to another forum with more protection. While this site is "public" it's often just us longarmers here. Anything you put on Facebook stays on Facebook and has a chance to end up all over the place. As I said, posting here was also poor judgment on my part, but I think whomever was responsible for the Facebook post should have read the entire thread with a practiced eye before posting.

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I've been told if you put it on the net or in the air by any means, that infomation can be seen by anyone that wants it. So I try never to write something that I wouldn't want to be in public or seen by anyone else! That's my two cents.:P:P:P

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For me, the difference is -- for someone to find a post on this board, they have to be looking for it, i.e. searching "longarm business names" on the web, then be directed to this site.

But if they're on facebook, they can trip across it by seeing it linked to a friends page, or referenced on another friends page, YKWIM? It "feels" more public there.

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Hi Everyone,

We appreciate your comments and concerns about Forum posts migrating to the APQS Facebook page. We do understand that even though the forum is a public place for anyone to visit (we have hundreds of "lurkers" who browse through the tips and posts every day), one may feel a certain level of insulation here simply because the audience primarily is longarm quilters.

We certainly have no intention of sharing information that we feel would be demeaning or damaging to any APQS family members. We work hard to maintain the integrity of the site by removing spam and monitoring it for inappropriate posts. However, we encourage free expression on the site and want all quilters to feel welcome here.

We apologize if the link we used for the "just for fun" improbable business names offended anyone. We saw the suggestions as a humorous, tongue-in-cheek look at the world of quilting, much like the "singing quilter" Cathy Miller's YouTube hit called "You Can Quilt That Out". We will take more time in the future to consider each link before sharing it on on the APQS Facebook page.

Thanks everyone!

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Someone told me a long time ago. If someone does not tell you something, they don't want you to know. The same goes for telling you something, they only tell you what they want you to know. The net is public, no matter where you are on it. If someone once something , they will fine it if it is online. How true.

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This is an open forum, anyone can read it, why would you think it is any more secure than Facebook? I am always disappointed when I see posts of quilts that the person talks about how ugly it is or how badly it is done. I am very grateful for the customers that bring me their quilts and if I were a customer I would be appalled to log on and see my quilt being displayed with bad notations along with it. Why should it be any different seeing what we have posted somewhere else. My thought is, if you post it online you don't mind it being seen by the public. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Originally posted by quiltingjoyful51

If you search anyone of us by name on google anything you have ever posted on this site will show up or can be found without coming to APQS. This is a public site.

oh my silly me I didn't know that ! so I just did what you said sure enough every post I made is right there for the world to see .

I even logout of apqs guess what it still shows every thing .

big brother is watching every thing we say here WOW a wake up call for me .

thanks for sharing this Joyce

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"Poor Judgment" I don't agree, this forum is very important for me, I have been on the forum just over a year, and I have learned a lot, laughed a lot, sometimes cried, and lots of times wished I was over there with you gals. There is always something interesting, and I know I don't always post, but I look and enjoy most of what is said and shown. Its true this last month has been a little "!!??" but everyone says what he or she thinks, I remember years ago someone said to me that paper stays and words go, well the forum is a large journal of a quilters world, everyone has free access, when I was a teenager my Mom found my journal and all my secrets were no longer secret, and some of my wishes and dreams did come true.......


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Hey, I'm the one who started it all with the question and thought it would be fun. Is there no where to just have fun without someone feeling like a victim? or that someone else MIGHT be offended. I give up.

APQS does a great job offering a forum for quilters to learn from each other. Those who do longarming for a business need an outlet at times with those who know what they go through!

My mom always said "If you can't say it in person, don't say it at all." (by in person, here, I mean to other longarmers on the site) No names were used to protect the innocent or guilty...I like that one too.

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Guest Linda S

Yep - good lesson learned. I belong also to Longarm Chat. It's a paid membership each year, but what gets said in Longarm Chat STAYS in Longarm Chat. I often don't think to be careful about what I say -- I fly by the seat of my pants - except when I'm on Facebook, because if you say something interesting, funny, or controversial, it spreads there like wildfire. That is why I was horrified when I saw the post there this morning. My customers are on Facebook. Most of them are not on here.

Sorry if anyone was offended by my being upset, but I thought we should all be aware that we'd just been made much more public than usual.

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I just googled my name and was also surprised to find that I am on a database for directors and company secretaries in the UK credit checks. The fact that I have never been a director or company secretary though astounds me that I could appear on this list. I know this is not relevant to this apqs/facebook transfer of data, but it certainly makes you wonder what people can post about you without your permission !!!!!

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'as it's just a bunch of us longarmers having good fun and sharing tips.'

Someone is going to ping me for this but I find this comment funny. A post a week or so ago had some busy body member of this forum email nasty comments to other regular contributor about an issue this person had nothing to do with. Is that considered good fun and sharing?

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that is one of the reasons why I tick the box not to have my email address available for other members to see. If anyone is concerned about getting unwanted emails, then edit your user profile to not let people see your direct email address, then you can only get U2U's from other members, and not spammers and strangers trawling chat forums.

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Originally posted by Janette

I just googled my name and was also surprised to find that I am on a database for directors and company secretaries in the UK credit checks. The fact that I have never been a director or company secretary though astounds me that I could appear on this list. I know this is not relevant to this apqs/facebook transfer of data, but it certainly makes you wonder what people can post about you without your permission !!!!!

Are you sure it's you and not someone with the same name. I was so surprised to find that there are TWO other Bonnie Botts's here in NY. I figured till then my name was pretty unique. Only difference is middle name.

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Bonnie, several years ago I found out that i was living in a different town in the UK, My full name is Kathleen Elizabeth Garvey and there is another with my exact name living about 150 miles from me. Over here in the UK there is a website called 192.com. If you put your name in there people might be surprised how many of us have the same name. I have found at least 5 Kathleen Garvey's in the UK alone.



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Bonnie I am going to check that out, several years ago I found out that there was another Connie Weber in the next town over and that our ssn were just 3 numbers different. To say that it was not a good thing is putting it mildly and my husbands named after his uncle different middle names and when his uncle died Sears mixed up our accounts talk about a nightmare.

As for the other just remember public or private it is still the internet and once it is out there it is out there and anyone can link it or migrate it. I thought the names were funny and should be taken that way and will be by most people. It is no different then any other group of people venting and no names were used so I don't find it that bad. I was on facebook ealier and it didn't come through on my feeds so I would have to acually go to thier page find it.

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