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I've never made one mad before but I guess there's always a first time...

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Wackadoodle:D:D:D. That is definitely going in my vocab:D:D:D. Shana, everyone knows how sweet, nice and kind you are. Plus you give very sage advice! I wouldn't let another minute go by letting it bother you. I agree with Bobbi, and well, everyone else. I would be verrrry busy. Probably into the next Millenneum;););)

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WOW! How can she not have any pride in her work...... On my business card, "Smoke free, pet free home. Smoke free and pet free quilts only." I have returned quilts to customers because of pet hair, even though they think it will be fine to quilt it with the pet hair on it. Quilting the quilt with pet hair on it, yes that bothers me. I don't want stray hairs on my leaders, or floating around in my studio. The big reason for smoke and pet free is that we have allergies in my family. I know I have probably lost business because of this, but that is okay.

I would be very busy, booked out for 6 months or more when she comes back in 4 weeks. Have a list of other longarmers that she could possibly contact.

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Shana she was probably embarassed, and to cheap to pay you to fix her problem. And I would have done the exact same thing......but I might have checked out the size of the batting and backing....just incase the quilt actually did come back. Nothing worse than pissing the same customer off a second time.

Might as well start her off on the right track. If you decided not to do the quilt in the future, I don't know that I would give her any names of other logarmers......unless you have an arch enemy that you would like to take revenge on. LOL But wait your Shana and couldn't have on of those, so I just wouldn't give her any names.

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I think this person was expecting a miracle worker! She saw how great you did the other customer's quilts and assumed you would do the same for hers. I agree with Connie. She definitely has no pride in her work. I have dogs that shed and come into my sewing room. I don't quilt professionally but do occasionally take in friends and charity quilts. My "customers" are always told that I have animals in case they may be allergic. I clean the room before and after I quilt and check all the layers for hairs and loose threads before they're put together and again when the quilts are done. I may not catch every hair but I make a good effort. Wackadoodle! Wackadoodle...wackadoodle... We need a Smile icon for that!! :P:D:D

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Shana, I am proud of you. I would have sent her down the road talking to herself. I am not a quilt snob but I would not even consider taking that quilt back!

Dog hairs aside, If I had a customer that couldn't take the time to bring the quilt by herself so we could discuss her expectations. I would be a little leary about the job.


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Shana, just your description makes my stomach churn.

We had cats and dogs, and kept the one chair the dogs were permitted on clean of hair. They were always fox terriors, or Terrior/beagle cross, and we didn't find they shed very much.

I'd never consider anyone to be a quilt snob who refuses to accept a nasty quilt.

In your way, I'm surprised she got upset about it. She probably wanted it done to take on vacation, to save the car seats, though it probably wouldn't work.

Stick to your guns and don't let the whackerdoodle bug you, or be a worry.

YUKKKK I just can't stand the thought of touching it.

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I have not 1 but 2 -- count 'em TWO vacuum cleaners in my studio. :D One of these vacuums lives right next to my longarm machine all of the time and I vacuum the general area with that thing at least 3 times (minimum) when I have a customer quilt on the frame.....Before I load a quilt...during while I'm quilting... (to catch any threads that drop on the floor....and especially after I finish a quilt. I just don't like any thread or possible shepherd fur getting on there. My sheps hang out with me when I quilt but they stay on the opposite side of the room about 20 feet away. My other vacuum is used frequently to catch the main floor area and I must say that my floor in the quilting room stays cleaner than my house! :P

That reminds me I need to go over and admire my pretty sparkly dust on the furniture.

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If you want your quilts from your customers prepared and ready to go on the machine. You've got to teach them what you need and expect from them at the beginning. It is hard to make something beautiful when you are starting buried in the mud (or fur), so to speak. Did you tell her it needed to be pressed or you'll charge for that too.

I think you did the right thing by giving it back.

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I admit it.....I am a quilt snob....I won't take any quilts that reek of smoke, or anything else and no animal hair either as I don't want that infused into my leaders and transferred to other customer's quilts. Matt is right, you never know when someone may have an allergy and if you are in business you have to respect all of your customers.

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Shana, Yea for you for returning the quilt. The lady probably was embarrassed. That's why I don't like quick drop offs, unless I know the piecer and their quality of work. Looking a quilt top over together (me and the customer ) saves time, especially in having to make arrangements to return it.

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You all are right. I need to have these 1x1 meetings with the first-timers. Well, I thought she was going to stop by to meet me in person. Then plans apparently changed to have her daughter drop it off. Anyway, I try to be professional and respectful to everyone, I just got discouraged because I got a quilt carelessly handed to me through a car window that's wadded up in a jumbled ball, not even inside a bag, and it's full of dog hair. Makes me a little sad. :(

Thanks for letting me vent about it.

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Dory wackadoodle I love it. I'm a dog person but I'm very careful to keep them at a distance from op's quilts mine some of the fabric lived in dog and cat land before I had the studio every one and a bit I run across something that lets me know I'm not the best house keeper around.

as ever

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Hi sweetie!

It's so hard to confront someone when they have no clue there is a problem. And your customer sounds like she is clueless in several areas!;)

You did great, explained the problem tactfully, and saved yourself lots of frustration, not to mention the "yuck factor", by returning the quilt.

I wish to do as well as you if ever I am faced with this problem.

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