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NQR Bedroom set dilemma

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If you had a choice between two bedroom sets which one would you choose? I have a dilemma, I like the dark cherry wood, but, I also like the wrought iron on the medium wood set. I'm finally upgrading my bedroom set after 26 years!!:P

Which one would "show off" quilts better??


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They're both very nice, but I like this one better. It is a more classic design, where the other one seems more trendy, not to mention heavy and chunky. That padded headboard also calls my name. I'm sure you'll be happy no matter which one you choose!

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I would go with this one. Easier to keep clean, good place to show the quilts, looks like it would be easier to move to rearrange furniture, and the looks seem to be a longer lasting design. Have fun.

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My vote is for the 2nd one.

I dont know why, but the first looks kind of masculine to me. Maybe it's the leather look on the headboard.

The 2nd, has a "comfy homey" look to it. Dark & light quilts with both show up with that med wood.

You have a tough choice. They really are both beautiful sets!!

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