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hello quilty gurus

my friend barb has given me a top to quilt for her mom.

it is the flimsy from shannon's last swap plus a few more blocks.

she said she wanted a flower in the white parts and whatever else i wanted in the rest.

she has provided me with a QD poly batting.

i had a design in my head, i PPPed it and when i stitched it out on the quilt it was a no go.

yes, i have been frogging, and i do not want to frog anymore.

so - i have come to you, my creative and generous quilty friends.

i was thinking a meander and placing a flower in the white spaces as i go along.

do you guys have any better ideas?

i love barb and really want her to like the quilt.


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I would use Pam Clarke's Design with Lines concept to quilt the flower in the white. In the orange, I'd quilt a circle or spiral in the center, and lines 1/4" apart on the arms; or you could fill with feathers. The trellis I'd do leaves or some fun traveling designs; you could also do a directional effect by filling each trellis piece with feathers going opposite directions from each other. It is an uplifting quilt. We look forward to seeing what you do with it!

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  • 3 weeks later...


i finally finished.

i really didn't think i was going to like this, but when i got it off the frame - i do.

i hope barb & her mom feel the same way.

i have the same swap flimsy - only i made it KING SIZE!

i will quilt bf's on mine...done faster and with less stress.

big thanks to you all for helping me...i was so nervous cause it isn't mine and i have a rather large lack of self confidence.


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