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Freedom Arrived Yesterday!

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Hello fellow quilting buddies! My Freedom arrived yesterday and I cannot believe she is actually here :) Bob and Jim put her together and gave me some awesome hints on where to start and they were just awesome. I knew that I made the best choice on my long arm, but their level of customer service confirmed that I have THE BEST in the industry!! By the time they left, I thought they were part of my extended family. Now, I have to work the next two days, but I work from home, and boy, I feel like making a trip down to my new baby. Hey, do we get to give our machines a nick name?

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Congratulations on your Freedom. You are in for one of the best experiences of your life. I love my Millie and spend as much time with her as I can. You are right, APQS has the best customer service, they are always there for us. This forum is also the best place to come for answers. There is always someone here to help. We all love picture too. So please share pictures.

As a newbie, the best advice I can give you is PPP. It all looks so simple but it takes practice. I practice any new designs I want to learn. Get your self a dry erase board or a large sketch pad and, put a piece of practice fabric or a quilt you can practice on and go for it. I found instructional DVDs to be a great help too. I love Myrna Ficken, The Pajama Quilter and Kim Brunner to name a few I really found helpful.

Also,giving your Freedom a nickname is perfectly acceptable, alot of us do.

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Congratulations! Yes, most of us have named our machines. Sometimes that name can change when there are problems, but I've found if I generally take the time to make sure the machine is well cleaned and oiled, the problems disappear. Have fun playing!

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I haven't had my Freedom long and I don't get to spend as much time as I would like Quilting but I just love her. The staff at APQS have been great and I learn new things all the time. Especially when I mess up and they guide me through how to fix what ever I may have done.

Happy quilting


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