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I love this forum

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I have been primarily a lurker for several years on this forum and feel compelled to share some of my thoughts.  I love this forum.  I visit it almost everyday.  I have learned so much from all of you.  I quilt just for myself,  friends and family and my skills are still developing ( that's a nice was of saying I still have a long way to go!).  I come here for inspiration.  I come here when I have a quilting problem, because I know if I do a search I am likely to find someone who has addressed what ever is giving me fits.  I come here because the tone tends to be positive and supportive and caring.  I come here because the members tend to not only be people I respect as quilters, but also folks I would probably just enjoy visiting and  having coffee with even if we didn't share a quilting interest.  I hope the tone of this forum never changes. I appreciate that although this is an APQS forum all quilters are welcomed and respected.  I would like those of you who participate regularly to know that even if you are not getting comments from us, there are many of us out here who are learning from and being inspirerd by the discussions.   I've also come to realize that I shouldn't just be a taker and so I hope to try to participate more actively in the future. 

So a little about me. I quilt on a Nolting Funquilter that I have had for about 6 years.  I really enjoy the process.  I have recently started to seriously consider upgrading to "big girl" system.  I've sold my husband on the idea that I'm worth it (happy wife, happy life).  I fractured my shoulder three years ago, and also have some back and neck issues, so I am looking at frame upgrades as much as the actual machine.  I have come to appreciate that my back and shoulder would appreciaate things like a dead bar and auto advance.  But then the trade off is moving a bigger machine around which might cancel the frame benefits.  I need to spend more time playing on the machines to sort it all out.  I'm going to a Road Show tomorrow and hope they have the Bliss table there, since I think that would be a must for me.  I am looking at APQS, Innova, and Nolting primarily. I know people love their Gammill"s but I've tried them several times and know that this is not my machine.  Love my funquilter, think the Nolting Pro series is a very nice machine, and have found them to be a great company but the frame doesn't have all of the features that would justify an upgrade, so Nolting probably will be cut from the list.  I also love the quietness and ease of movement of the A 1 but the frame  again doesn't have a dead bar. Any thoughts anyone has on what else to consider in both a machine and table would be welcome. 

Thank you APQS for sponsoring this forum and thank all of you who are members of this special quilting community.


Claire in NC

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Hi Claire...

I have a Freedom on M&M wheels without Bliss and it moves fine for me.

But, I have driven Bliss and it is smoother.

One day I hope to get either a bliss system or a computer.

But for now, I'm happy.

My advice is to drive as many brands as possible.

And spend a good amount of time on each one.

Try sitting and standing as you quilt.

Since you already have a long arm, you're not in a hurry.

Talk to people who own them.

Ask about customer service and repairs.

Good luck deciding.

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Welcome out of lurkdom, Claire!


Josh and Mark will definitely have the Bliss system at the Road Show in Charlotte for you to try, along with our new generation of Millie and Freedom. You'll have a wonderful time. They are great guys...ask them anything you want!


We're happy you've gained help and inspiration from the Forum through the years and that you're feeling comfortable to share more personal posts, too!

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Hi Claire,welcome to the forum! Everyone seems so willing to share their ideas and answer our questions. Everyone has helped me so much in the learning process. Good luck on getting a new machine! Something to consider is the service after the sale and APQS excels at this!           Becky

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Welcome Claire and I hope we see and hear more from you.    A few years ago, I upgraded from a Handi Quilter 16 to the APQS Millennium.   Never regretted that choice for a minute.   I loved my HQ16, but  wanted more throat space to make more designs, etc.   I chose the APQS machine because it is made here in Iowa where I live.   I am only about 2 1/2 hours from the factory and 1 hour from the showroom.   Not only that, but my husband was very impressed with the quality of the machine/frame.   Also the fact that they would deliver and set it up and he didn't have to do it !    :D   You are on track to test drive and try all machines and get the one with all the "pluses" you want.   I really had no intention of buying the top of the line machine, but the day we went to the showroom to look and test drive, they were having a terrific sale and it was a no brainer to go for it.  Hubby was the one who said "write it up!"   Who am I to argue????   It also happened to be our wedding anniversary......... :) I basically quilt for myself, family and my quilt group.   I do some for others now and then, but limit it to people I know and trust.  I don't want to quilt as a business.   I figure the number of quilts I have quilted for myself and the little bit I earn on the side offsets the cost of the machine....almost.....   If I had to pay someone to do all that, I would have spent a lot of money and didn't have the satisfaction of doing it all myself.   Good luck in your machine search.

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i Claire.  So glad to meet  you.  Have fun at the road show.  I am a firm believer in trying all the machines that you can and buy the one that fits you best.  Of course, I think APQS machines are the best and customer service can't be beat.





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When you are checking out the options, be sure to also look at the hydrolic lift for the table.  That might make a huge difference for you with the back, neck and shoulder issues you are dealing with.  It will really make a difference in working from the front and then the back of the machine (from what I saw at the APQS Road Show). 


Have fun and good luck making the decision.

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Thanks for the support. I' m looking forward to playing tomorrow. I have tested various machines over the past couple of years but only recently decided to actually do an upgrade if everything falls into place. My sister is interested in buying my current system so I probably have that covered. I just need to fall in love with one of my options. I'm also going to Lancaster next week to do some comparisons. What a fun couple of weeks I have planned!

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The apqs is the lightest head on the market...about 35 pounds lighter than other brands which makes it easier to move around! Apqs has a stitch test on their website they recommend to try on all the brands and look at the quality of the stitches between brands. There is a difference. I ordered my millie on feb19 after searching for 3 years for just the right machine for me and i tried them ALL several times. :-) yep, this is THE GREATEST forum and "family".

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Welcome to the group Claire ,I just came out of the woodwork to say hello ,I am not here as often as I use to but never the less I still pop in and out to see how everyone is doing ,I have even participated in making a block for a special quilt which was a challage for me since I do scrap quilting ,(I see a pic of a quilt and just make it),I just enjoy sewing of all kinds ,I found this group in my quest of finding a machine ,I had never even did a test drive ,just loved all the reveiws on APQS and most important customer service ,good luck !

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