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What can I try now?

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So...I am still having tension issues. I can stitch about a foot and then I get looks on the top and on the back as well. What I have done:

Replaced needle and made sure it sits at 6:35

*Cleaned bobbin race

*Replaced bobbin

*Replaced bobbin case

*Checked to see if my bobbin was inserted correctly

*Changed from bottom line to Glide thread

*Checked for any stray threads or lint

*Rethreaded upper thread to weave thread through eyes instead of looping the thread around

*Tweaked upper tension one direction and then the other

*Added the thread net

I am ready to throw her out the window or sell her to someone who actually knows about these things and buying another!

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Did you check to be sure your hopping foot is the right height and level?

Made sure there is no lint in between the tension disks?

Tried a different needle size?

Cleaned under the thingy the thread goes under on the bobbin case?

Sewers aid or silicone spray, like Joyce said.

That's all I got.

Hang in there Sylvia.


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Is there a right/wrong side to the batting and is it loaded the right way?  You mention that you have adjusted the top tension but have you also worked on the bobbin tension?   Get your bobbin set and then work on the top.  If no Towa gauge then use the drop test.  If using Magna Glide bobbin did you remove the check disk?   Is the needle in the right way?  Try a needle from a different package.  Check for burrs on the guides.  Is the thread staying under the hook/guide left of the tension?  (Just had that problem.)   Have you oiled the machine?  Maybe try giving the machine a WD40 bath.  Things that you know to do but may have overlooked today. 


I know that you can get up and running with good stitches with help from the forum and the APQS team, hang in there!

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 Loops are weird. Bad tension like flatlining/eyelashes are caused by thread catching and releasing somewhere along the thread path. Like thread flailing and catching, lint holding things up in the bobbin case, or thread not between the tension disks. But loops are weird. They can be caused by the twist of the thread--especially a problem with King Tut and heavier cottons. Dawn says to take out the twist before the tensioner by threading differently through the three-hole guide. I've had luck with running a cone upside down to have the twist going opposite. But I always have back-side loops with King Tut.

But you're using Glide and BottomLine? It looks like you've checked it all. All I can recommend is to make top and bobbin tension as tight as you can without breakage (use Sewer's Aid) and see if that helps. Then back off the tension on both sides until you have pretty stitches again. I hope you get it going.

Liberal application of wine will put it in perspective, my friend! :P

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Sylvia, I hate to say it, but I've had problems running Glide thread in my machine. I love the thread, think it's beautiful, but my machine is not too crazy about it. It seems to like the glide bobbins just fine, just not on top. That being said, I have made it work, it just took a lot of tinkering. Good luck and hang in there! :)

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With Glide you may need to use a thread net as when the thread is coming from the top of the cone it can slip a bit towards the bottom, the slip(or looseness) gets a twist and possibly will cause a loop.


Can you have someone else look at the actual thread  and thread  path while you are stitching and see if they can see where it is having a hang up?


I had the slightest of burrs on the edge  of my front face plate and the thread whipped enough just to catch that burr and cause a problem.  Cvvered the burr with magic tape no problems.

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When I had similar problems I had tried everything to fix the problem.  Nothing seemed to work.  Then I was told to check the belts just in case they were loose or slipped.  We did that and found a couple belts were a bit too loose so we tightened them.  I have never had another issue since no matter what type of thread I use.

Maybe this is something you can check?  just in case ;)

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I did not sleep last night for thinking about this machine problem (I have a customer quilt loaded!!!) Anyway, I have avoided the "room" this morning but it is time to face the beast! I am going to first adjust the hopping foot and check for burrs. Cross your fingers for me! I will keep you posted.

PS: My machine is named "Stitch." I think I will rename her "Won't Stitch!"

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If nothing else works, can you switch to a different thread on top such as so fine.  That on top and bottom line on the bottom is my tried and true, when I have problems with other threads and cant get them to work I go back to my so fine and voila, every time.  Hope you are doing well, I have been off the forum a lot this summer, miss you all and check once in a while.  Busy, busy, busy.  try a little prayer that may work too.  LOL

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Ok it is official! I can not fix it! I have:

*changed both bottom and top threads

*re-cleaned and re-oiled everything

*adjusted the hopping foot

It is as bad as ever. So....I took pictures of the stitches to post so you could see and the camera stick is now stuck in my brand new laptop. It will not show the pictures and will not come out! I have an official large door stop. Linnea, when can you get here? I will clear my calendar! Honestly, where is the closest "APQS Fix-It" location. I just want to sew!!!!!!

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How springy is your tension spring?  Maybe it has lost its' springiness???  That's just a word I made up, but you know what I mean.  Try pushing down on it and see if it snaps back in place.  If you need a replacement I can send you one super fast.  I know you can get past this problem, so don't give up hope.  Call Amy and she can walk you through other things to check!!  Sending you ((hugs)) from down south!

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I am headed out in a few days to see the grandkids, but if you make the trip at a later date this would be a good place to stop, about 525 miles and 10 hours from you.  You can rest here both on your way up and back and we could play for a few days.  You are always welcome and I would love to see you again!  :)  :)  :)

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You guys are just the sweetest thing since tea!  I called APQS and talked to Brenda and she walked me through several things and I think it is fixed!  Oh, my, did I ever panic today.  Could you tell?  I honestly needed a nerve pill - if I had had one I would have taken it!  Thanks to all of you who chimed in here - it is nice for others to know and understand the pressures and problems of dealing with expensive equipment.  I love you all!

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