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Baby, It's Cold Outside !!!!

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Oh my............-15 degrees actual temperature with wind chills of -37...........I don't think there is a single school in Iowa open today.  Thank goodness........Most were called yesterday and last night.   This is to last through noon tomorrow, so maybe no school tomorrow either...........at least a late start............those buses probably won't start and too many kids walk or hang out at the bus stops.   Most are not dressed properly either.   Some "parents" just drop their kids off at school whether it is delayed or not.   Our SIL is a school superintendent and he always says he would rather cancel school so kids could stay home rather than delay, because too many get dropped off at the regular time anyway and have to hang out outside waiting for the building to open !    Then there are those who won't get a hot meal if they don't come to school.  A very sad world we live in.    Just too dangerous to be out if you don't have to.  


Take care and stay warm !

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I would give you some of my balmy 68 degrees, but then you'd have to take the "unhealthy" air with it.  I remember those frigid below zero temps when I lived in SD.  You only go out with your hair wet once and you only go out with your earrings in once.  After that you become a mid-west girl and you know better.  My friend had Guinea hens and she actually loved them.  One unusually sunny and fairly warm (probably 30 degrees) afternoon she let them out of their pens for a bit.  Then the news started forecasting a big snow storm moving in.  She tried to get them to go back into their hen house.  Nope...not those stupid chickens.  They flew up into the trees.  The wind started howling and the snow was a blowing and there was nothing she could do but go into the house.  The next morning she went out to check on them and there they were...frozen solid in the trees covered with ice and snow.  She lost every one of them.  Again I say...stupid chickens.


I'm glad your schools have been cancelled.  The Midwest is notorious for making the kids go to school even if there is five feet of snow on the ground.  Below zero temperatures are dangerous for the exact reasons you said.  Stay in and stay warm.  Drink something warm and play in your sewing room.  Turn the oven on and bake something delicious.  Grab a good book and turn on some music. Take pics and be grateful you don't have to be out in it. 

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I  so agree, Linda. For we folks in the North Carolina, Sandhills  the temps have

been very low.  57 is way higher than we've had for several days now.


It was 57F when we were leaving for an appt. this morning at 6:45,

and it has dropped 12degree3 since then, at 10:32.  It is supposed to drop

down to 10F by tonight.  Praying we don't have to get out in it. 


NO, we do Not consider 57 or 45 as cold.. getting there but not done yet!   :P


Our Pharmacy has some of the smaller green pill bottles.  I used the amber or

gold tone to keep dead pins and needles in.. Was always losing it and spending

too much time tyrying to find it, only to have to make up another.  The green one,

no matter where I set it, or put something on it, it is easy to find.  Then we

needed one for the dining room to be handy when Himself or both of us are

sewing there.  Bless our Pharmacy, they have them and gave one to us this,

morning.   Now we have one for both ends of the house.


We stopped at a favorite Mom and Pop type restaurant for coffee after my

appt. and I had to tell Pete, the owner, that I would have to pass on a wall

Deco I'd been saving for, and save up for a heat pump.  We chatted a few

min and he suddenly said I will give it to you for a Happy New Year.. if you

can wait  can go get it in just maybe 5 minutes.


My heart was pounding and we brought it home..  I love it so much.   Will have to get a pict

and post it on Flicker..  He is such a neat person as well as his son, the daytime manager,

Cosko.  God Bless them.


A beautiful Day!   I hope you have a wonderful day, too~!


God Bless,


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Our temps are heading down. It was a warm 60 plus when I got up AND SUNNY. Now it is overcast , has rained and getting colder by the minute. The word is that we are going down to 19 inland, but here on the island, hopefully only in the high warm 20's! Yep, I'm freezing and have all the plants, pipes and tractors covered!!! Disco (cat) is curled up in the chair sound asleep!  LOL Stay safe and warm everyone!!!

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Brrrrr! It was -22 at 8:30 this morning, and now it's up to a balmy -17! We put all new windows in this past spring, and we've found there are a few out of the 22 we did that must be defective because there is ICE inside the windows and COLD!  Makes a person's tummy sick to spend that much and have the house colder than before... :(  Will be glad when this arctic front leaves tomorrow!

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The weather is crazy in NY!  It was 51 this morning and it is dropping quickly.  Now down to 36 and going down to a low of 8 tonight.  tomorrow's high is 11!  Looks like it won't last long though.  By Sat. it should be back in the 30's or low 40's.  I just got back from NC Sat. night and I'm ready to go back!  I didn't wear my winter coat the whole time I was there!  LOL I won't be trying that in NY!Stay warm everybody.  I'm thankful it isn't going to be in the negative numbers!

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I've got you all beat when it comes to cold temperatures, not that I'm bragging!  :)    I've never experience so many -35'c morning as I have this past month and that is NOT including the windchill, those are usually up around -45'c.  I need a warm vacation!!  

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It's a bit chilly down here as well!  I think the temp is 30 and feels like 21.  The wind is blowing wildly!  We are hunkered in by the fire (me with a now 9 day headache!).  Can you believe this is the coldest day in years and I had to get up and go to the Dr. ??? And......I lost my good leather gloves while buying fabric at Hobby Lobby!!!!  BooHoo!

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So sorry to hear of all the cold and snow.  I will quit whining about the east wind that we get around here.  Just got back from a 74 mile bike (that's bicycle) ride with my brother.  2 pairs of tights, 2 shirts, a coat, hat, and 2 pairs of gloves.  Then had to unzip a little!  I ruined it though.  Brought my sunglasses "just in case", and seemingly scared away the sun. Just overcast much of the day.

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I'll admit to being a wimp.. lol, have strong memories of going home during a blizzard with snow up to my knees and still coming down. 

I normally didn't ride a bus, but they insisted we do to the end of our road.. then I got off and waded through.  I was small for my age,

so my knees were problably shorter than most.. Still, it was scary and cold..


it was 10F when himself checked at 6 a.m., and 9 when I checked it at 7.

Now at 9 a.m., it is way up.. all of 15F.


We are staying in today, and have no where to go.



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