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What scissors do you use to clip your threads when quilting?

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I am looking to purchase a new pair of scissors to do my "clipping of threads" on the quilt top when quilting.

I heard about a pair of scissors that curve up on the ends, and how it aids in not "clipping" the top when you have to snip thread. Can anyone help me find where to purchase these scissors at? Thanks in Advance!!!

Or, any advice as to what kind of scissors you use.....

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Hi Sheri--

These curved scissors are used to clip thread for machine embroidery.

This is my scissors of choice and it sits on my top thread spindle at the front of my machine. They work great and you will be less likely to clip the top. The blades are very short and sharp.

Mine are Ginghers from Joanns--bought on sale but still a little pricey. I recommend them or some like them.

Maybe Fabric Depot online has them as they do sell Ginghers products. Good luck!

Linda Rech

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I use kid scissors - blunt tips. They work great! I put them on the post on top of the machine with a small magnet that holds my needles - one a self threading and the other a tapestry.

I am afraid of the retractable scissors holders......I know for sure I will poke my eye out!

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Hi Laurie,

I absolutely love the scissors I have that are made by Elan. They are just a little larger that embroidery scissors, with handles made of a soft plastic and a nice curved cutting blade. Also, the handle openings are a little larger, so they are comfortable to grip. I did an online search for them, but no luck so far.

In addition I just saw some interesting thread snippers on the Bayside Quilting site. They have black plastic handles and are the type you squeeze -- seems like they'd be great for clipping threads on a quilt surface.

Hope this helps,


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The little embroidery scissors with the curve are great I have them with normal handles and tweeser handles, and I have many pairs, I get all my scissors from Brint... The Scissor Guy... I try to always has a pair on the top of my machine where the front laiser should go:cool: I will try to remember to post Brint's info when I return home from Germany for any one who whats to contact him.... He sells every kind of scissor under the sun and will sharpen them for you at the quilt shows;) We love Brint !!!!!!

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The small tweeser handle are just the best. I have 4 pair of them and use them for everything. I keep a pair on the spindle. I bought ones that cost 35.00 ea and the ones that cost 10.00. Can't tell the difference between the expensive ones or the cheaper ones. I think I bought the 10.00 ones at Michaels craft store.

I couldn't do without them.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have a similar scissor pair, but mine has a small hook on the end of the lower blade. I use it all of the time...it even works for frog stitching!LOL;) They cut thread beautifully, but seem a little dull and maybe too tiny to cut fabric. So...they're perfect for clipping threads.

I even purchased a spare pair (safely stored and still unwrapped) just encase I misplace or somehow spoil the first pair. I love that tool and (try to) hang it on a lamp beside my DSM...so I can always find it!:D

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The scissosrs that Linda posted the picture of are so easy on your hands. i got mine for Brent ( The Scissor Guy) at MQS or one of the show he is at. He also had the dental tools Shana was showing on another post. Gosh he has just about everything you could need. And he give great hugs;) I have his contact info if anyone wants it send me an email. And Linds said you can get them from the quilted rose. You also can't go wrong with a pair of embroidery gingers with the curved tip. They are very sharp (be careful) and the stay sharp a long time


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  • 1 month later...

Hello All, First time to post but have been following your chats for awhile now, guess I finally found something to say! I LOVE my 3-n-1 Superior Snippers from Superior Threads. Snippers, Seam Ripper and Awl in one tool and no finger holes, you just use the "squeezy" method. See what you think!


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I use machine embrodary scissors by Hertigage Cutlery. I don't know what I would without those little helpers. I sell them in my store for $26. I worth while investment for making sure that the right stuff is being clipped!


Laura Farnham uses the saddle chair-if i remember correctly-try contacting her.

Take Care,


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The only scissors I allow around my longarm are the 4 inch school scissors with blunt tips. They work great and I have lots of them. A 'teacher', I won't mention any names, accidently cut through her canvas when demonstrating the longarm .. good extra lesson there. She was using her ginghers. I love my ginghers, but for cutting not snipping.

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I use two pair. I have the curved embroidery scissors which are sharp and pointy so I can clip closely and not have little threads left standing. I only use these on the quilt top. If I have to clip underneath, I keep a pair of blunt tipped child's scissors in my pouch (carpenter's apron). I would never chance clipping underneath with something pointy.


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I LOVE my 3-n-1 Superior Snippers from Superior Threads. Snippers, Seam Ripper and Awl in one tool and no finger holes, you just use the "squeezy" method. See what you think!


can you please post a picture of these or a website where i might see and purchase a pair?



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