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Full of quilts - till next year!

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o.k. - I am not perfect at guessing how much time some will

take me - SO give or take - I am busy until Christmas! Which

is good, don't get me wrong, but there are many weeks of

people calling and begging yet to go. I will mention to them

that if they want to ship quilts to any of you ladies, I will give

them your name, number and email....

Get this though - Lady calls another LA today and says "I need

this quilt done in 2 weeks - I am doing it on comission for Kris

Christopherson" So.... "Ya know the Singer!" She tells me

about it as I am dropping off at the LQS. I said I would ask her

to "Prove it! If he comes to pick it up, I might do it" She told

this lady - "I don't care if it were President Bush, we are all

busy!" then she gave her my ph#, she hasn't called yet.....

Now if it were Sam Elliot - I would drop everything and

everybodys quilt to do his! It is his voice, I just love it!

What a sexy man!! :):D:P;)

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You can send customer quilts to me, if you want to. I was just talking with my DH about what to do before Christmas - how much to advertise, do a blitz in the local media, make sure all the local quilt stores know my business, etc. But how important is it to pick up the pre-Christmas customers? Does business drop off drastically after the holidays? And for how long? I don't have many repeat customers yet - just been doing this for a few months and had never heard of this before last Christmas, so I don't have any way to judge.

Advice for a newbie, ladies and gents?

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I, too, thought I would slow down last year in January but it was pretty steady for me. The first two years I quilted I did slow down because I didn't have many customers.


PS. Sharon, I am with you on George Strait...his quilt would go straight to the top of the pile for quilting...I do like Keith Urban too.

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This conversation is very interesting for me. I have a regular customer who is making a quilt for a famous person. I have assured her I would quilt it for her but she should not wait till the Christmas rush. I'm afraid that is what she is doing. I am surprised you guys would put your other customers behind just because someone is famous. I guess I'm just a "wet blanket" on this issue. Hopefully she won't bring it till after Christmas and there won't be a problem. Sorry, can't tell you who the famous person is till after she gives it to him.

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Yes Carol - but you see "IF" a person is doing a quilt for somebody famous

or not, if you need it done by a certain time, you make arrangements. You

would already have contacted a quilter and have a time slot all in place.....

In a perfect world anyhow! These people who try to get it quilted in a week

because they need it for a shower on the weekend..... HELLO!!!!

I think we all at some time, might slip in a friend or relatives quilt before

others. Maybe even for that really sweet little lady from down the road....

Squeeze it in, work all night, then they say - "Oh, it's o.k., I have plenty of

time to do the binding, it's a gift for NEXT Christmas" gggrrrrrrr........

(count to 10 and again - count to 10!):mad:

WOW! I didn't think of actually burning the tops, just doing his first! I liked

him in Mask and was it Tombstone? I like Sam w/ beard, guess thats why I

married my Big - Bad - Biker!

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Let's see who's on my list to stop the world. George Cluney, Toby Kieth, not to mention that tall low voiced luscious Trace Adkins. I agree that voice of Sam Elliot would make you drop your pin cushion. Those low sexy voices just make me wilt. I had a boy friend and he did fall into the dumb jerk category but he did have one of those low super sexy voices. Later I admit I was heard to say that I would pay money just to hear that voice. That is bad.

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I promised myself I wouldn't squeeze anyone in; everyone should be treated equal. BUT I have moved a baby quilt up in line after doing a custom queen quilt - I needed the break and something easy to do in a few hours. Right now I'm doing a custom queen double wedding ring. It is out of batiks and so wild looking that I decided to do "pebbles" in the archs. MY gosh what was I thinking -- too late to change -- I've already got over 11 hours in it and only 2 rows done. I'll never get my $$$ out of this one, chalk it up to experience.

Okay I might squeeze a quilt in for Harrison Ford!


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Harrison Ford and Johnny Depp - those are GOOD ones too!! :) Yeah!!;)

I have been wondering about the "rush charge" thingy too lately. I will

have to start doing that with the new year - definatly! I was told to do at

least $20, but I like the $30 better..... don't want to make it too easy on


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Kevin Costner?? Oh yeah!! I would rush him any time!

Whew--got a little sweat on the upper lip there!

As for "rush jobs"-- explaining that it isn't good business to "bump" any customers and the rush job entails "over time" for me, I charge $30-$50 extra depending on the size and have had two takers so far. Taking precious hours away from the family should somehow be compensated, I guess.

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Enjoy your work ladies!!!

I just had to get a part-time gig at an outlet mall unpacking shipments for the holiday season...maybe thereafter too.The longarming only just wasn't paying the bills ...not even close. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because even when I've got several lined up it still doesn't pay.. anybody out there not do pantos?? There are several longarmers in my area and most will do a panto and do it well. I was always taught to "do my own thing" so I do custom freehand almost exclusively and let the others panto. This should be a busy time and yet I've only got 2 in line!! one is for Johnny Depp hahahahahahahhahahaah I'm so kidding and dreaming!;)

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If you have a loan to pay off because of your lonarm then you almost always need to do pantos to pay the bills. After all in the industry pantos are referred to as the bread & butter of the business for a reason. The average piecer out their may like the look of the custom work but very few can afford the prices of custom. If you want to pay the bill on your long arm then switch your business to the panto side until the machine is paid for then if you want to do customs only go for it.

Good luck

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I've realised I have been developing my own system for fitting in extra quilts. Assuming I will bump others will put their quilt at the end of the line. People who know they have messed up, regret it, have a good reason to need the quilt and don't ask me to do anything special willprobably have their quilt doen for when they need it. If it is something that was out of their control that might get them done sooner too. It means I have to work extra hours but sometimes it is very worthwhile. I also tend to leave a little slack in my schedule and every so often I have a slot booked to me, both of these help with making the urgent quilts fit in.

If a famous person I really liked asked me to quilt something they had made, you bet I would fit them in ASAP. However someone making a quilt for a famous person should know in advance they need to book a quilter.


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