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Fires in Southern California

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Linda I have you in my prayers and your home will be saved too. Material things can be replaced but you can\'t be so take care of yourself and your family. At times like this we need each other.......if there is anything I can do from here PLEASE let me know. I will do whatever I can.

((((HUGS)))) Big hugs!! Hope these fires end soon, Renae

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Originally posted by yeoldeforest

I just sent a customer in California a reminder email for a quilt payment...was ready to send the quilts but hadn\'t got a payment yet so sent a reminder email. She said she is in the middle of all of this mess...I feel like such a @#$%! She is in Costa Mesa! Guess I\'ll go watch the news...Yikes!!!


Hang on to those quilts for her for a while. She is really going to need them after this whole thing settles down. :)

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Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. I am in my second hotel. Got evac\'d again yesterday from the first hotel. Bad smoke. 300,000 people evacuated so far.

The whole county is on fire. The Witch fire has spread to the Pacific Ocean. Smoke everywhere. So many people displaced and hundreds of homes lost. I saw on TV that they are finally able to launch aircraft for water drops but not near Ramona, the winds are still bad. Now there is a power problem and the pump station in Ramona is out and there is very little water pressure. I spoke with a friend who stayed behind and she said that the smoke is off in the distance and the roads are still restricted to emergency vehicles.

The winds are predicted to die down tomorrow and we may even get an onshore flow (cool wind from ocean toward inland). I look at this as a mixed blessing. The temperature will lower which will help the firefighters but if there are still active fires, that west-to-east wind could blow the fires back inland.

DH just left Union City (the SF bay area) on his way back. Please keep him and all those thousands of folks impacted by these fires in your prayers.

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As I was watching the story on the TV news last night I was thinking of those of you from this group that might be affected. So glad you\'re ok Linda, will be thinking of you and all those from your community and others affected by the fires. I hope some favourable weather pops up so the fires can be controlled.


Western Australia.

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Linda - You are in our prayers as well. We were out of town & just got back and read this thread. Take care of yourself. Did your DH make it back down to your hotel? I hope so. Stay safe. As many others have said, if there is anything that I could do to help, please let us know.

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So glad to hear you are ok, Linda! I was thinking about you and Cheryl Uribe when I heard about the fires, I\'ve been trying to track them but I know zip about where anything is in California! All I can compare it to is the evacuations during Rita and Katrina in my area. Praying for your husbands safe arrival and protection for your property as well as everyone else effected by all this. I know we have others from this site that we haven\'t heard form, I hope they check in with us when things settle down.

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Thinking of all of my fellow quilters affected by the fires - even though we\'ve never met ( and this is my very first post on this site )- the love of quilting binds like minds and hearts together. We, too, in Australia have seen many serious bushfires and so my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Shelley Pinnell

Heritage Country Quilting

Western Australia

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Glad to know you are safe. Those Santa Ana winds are brutal. I lived in San Diego for a short time but had the pleasure, if you can call it, of experiencing a Santa Ana Wind. Not fun.

I think I will call my step-MIL, make sure everything is okay with her. She is in Santee, CA (east of San Diego). I know the fire is not near her, but to hear her voice would be nice.


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Got up early, early, early to see if there was any good news about the fires this morning. Nothing new that I see yet.

Just yesterday I went to the post office to pick up a couple of quilts from a friend in CA who decided to send them instead of making the drive up right now. They didn\'t smell like smoke! but I think she\'s too far North to be affected by the fires. Gosh, I\'m concerned for all of you living in the path of the smoke and fires right now. Having lived through two house fires growing up, I can understand the absolute devastation a fire can cause to a family.

We\'re thinking about you. We\'re praying for your safe return home. ~~ Eva H.

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Hope today goes well in California.

We have been on a mini vacation to Iowa to visit family, but I was able to watch and comment some on this message board. Tried to keep up on the news, sometimes it\'s just so hard to watch. I wish there was something we could do from here. I know there is power in prayer, so will keep it up.

Still praying for everyone involved.

Mary Beth

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Linda I\'m glad to hear you are okay but still have hope your house will be standing when this is all over..BUT everyone please continue to pray for Mary Jo Rembold as she lives in Vally Center which was under mandatory evacuation and in a pretty bad way as of the last reports that I had heard yesterday.. and she hasn\'t been on this log so I\'m really worried for her also..

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