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Bonnie's FSM has met its match

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Here is the quilt I mentioned last week, that was the big DDDD. Someone you asked for photos, so here they are. I tried my best to explain to the quilter that there was nothing I could do to make it straight if is wasn\'t, & she said to go ahead & quilt it anyway, she was sick of it & did not care. I hope that is true. The quilter is the sister of a good friend, who is an expert quilter, so I expected it to be better. It really is kind of the Quilt From Hell. The pattern (and her sister\'s matching quilt) were square. On this one,none of the 4 sides was the same length. The seams? well, you\'ll see them. I steamed & starched & steamed again, but NOTHING can overcome about 5 inches of difference between the two sides.

Although I am aware that nothing screams "Twentieth Century" like stippling, I fell back on the old-fashioned way to smash down the bumpies. Not quite stippling, but middle-size meandering. With a few tucks, it lies flatter than it did when I got it, but it still looks kind of awful. I am really embarrassed to charge for it, but I don\'t see how I could have done much better, and I did explain that.

It is going to another island (I think Manhattan) where nobody knows me, so I\'m thinking I would just give it to her for free if she promises not to tell anyone who quilted it. What would you do?


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Bummer....I have had these in my history as well, and even though you have given it back better than when you got it...you did your best with the tools you have.:(

You shouldn\'t give your work away....IF you had pieced this quilt and then had the problem you had then I wouldn\'t be so lenient with my thought, but you didn\'t do any of this, you just did your best with what you received.

By stippling or meandering you have now nailed it down as best it will evey be and you did your work as contracted....SO WHY do you feel you should give it back to her for free.

I understand the word of mouth advertising thing, but even so we aren\'t miracle workers. I have yet to make apple pie out of oranges. When I had trouble with these types I would make a record of my troubles and should anything come back to bite me I had proof it wasn\'t me that made the mess.

Its totally up to you how to handle your affairs, but I personally don\'t think you should start this....because if you do, you may be opening up a bigger can of worms. What if every quilter decided that they didn\'t like something or other of your quilting and demanded that all the quilts be given back free of charge? If you don\'t start it, that can\'t happen...just my opinion.

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Just looking at that quilt before you touched made me shiver. My worst nightmare is getting a quilt like this. However, you did a wonderful job with it and there should be no complaints. WOW!! What a difference.

You are to be commended, so don\'t beat yourself up over it.

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Catherine....I totally AGREE with the others....you did a marvelous job with this one and I definitely wouldn\'t give it away. With the HUGE tucks that were sewn in the back...OMG, you can now say that you ARE a miracle worker...

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You did a wonderful job. Please don\'t give it away...you must charge for your work.

It takes longer to quilt a quilt with issues than a perfect quilt.

I just did no d cups but hills and valleys and it took longer than most.

Then I got another..almost like yours..I quoted them a price and no one complained.

We are worth every$ we charge.

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