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Around the twist.....

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Here is a quilt that I just pulled off the machine for a friend who was up against a deadline. She brought it to me Friday night and I started in on it Monday morning and just delivered it to her this morning. What a challenge....


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Thank you all so much. That\'s why I enjoy this chat so much. Everyone is so supportive. Even to us beginner\'s. You give us the courage to go on with things and give us ideas and pictures for new projects. Thank you once again.

You\'re a great bunch.

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Funny you should say that Kat, when I delivered it she had decided that it could be used as a reversible quilt because she almost liked the back better that the front. I think it could almost be classified as a whole cloth quilt from the back without all that marking and trapunto. LOL Thank you.

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Shannon: That is a really lovely quilt. The pattern is one of my favorites. I won first place and guild honorable mention for the same quilt done in a pink, blue green and a blue print. You did a really nice job on the quilting. My quilt was a christmas gift for my sister...so I never even got to keep it. I would love to make another someday????? Great quilting! Jo-Ellen

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