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Yes.. this would qualify as a "Senior Moment"

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This morning I was getting ready for the day and completed the usual "beauty regiman" and reached for my new hairspray. A new lite blue bottle of Dove haispray-it smells so nice. I used to have a dark burgandy Suave bottle...anyway I spray quite a bit as I have very long hair that is also fairly thick. I decided I do not really like the way it seems to get my bangs very wet!!! Then I think I will let it dry and see how well it holds. A little while later I feel like it is not stiff at all but it also does not hold very well. Why? because I saturated my hair with my perfume mist!!! It is a VERY light scent so I did not really notice-I just thought the hairspray smelled really good!:P:P:P Also the bottles are similar in color.

So I have decided to wear my glasses (readers) when I double check what ever I am applying to myself :P:P

Now my hair is rather flat today but it sure smells good!!!


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That's toooo funny!

A few months back I was getting ready for a noon meeting, kinda dressy since it was a business group. It was 10:50 when I got out of the shower - grabbed my hair gel and as usual, rubbed it in... it smelled really good, a bit better than usual, but felt a little greasier... It was the gel baby oil! ALL THROUGH MY HAIR - AND ONLY 30 MORE MINUTES TIL I LEAVE! Argh! Needless to say I washed my hair a few more times that morning and was a bit late, but not oily!

It's a beeeeaaaaatttttcccchhh getting older and needing glasses to see anything!

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You couldn't pay to hear this stuff at a comedy club, you all are great!!!! This is a serious one but kind of funny too, I grabbed an ambien (sleeping pill) one morning instead of my thyroid pill. I couldn't understand why I kept falling asleep at work and kind of silly?? The ambien is now upstairs and the thyroid downstairs.

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Ok, knock on wood that I don't get caught. . . my new glasses are to be ready later this week. But I have been known to spray all those nasty spills on clothing with spray starch and wondering why the laundry soap doesn't work as well as it used to. Wonder why? :(

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I made a delicious mango smoothie. Then I dutifully put some detergent in the blender and put it down on the counter. I return later and decide that there is a little smoothie left and picked up the blender and drank some of the "smoothie out of it" and yikes I got a big mouth full of liquid dish detergent. Oh what a bad taste !!!

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Originally posted by veg-girl

My friend brushed her teeth with haemorrhoid cream!. She now puts the medicinal stuff in a drawer in the bathroom.

OMG!! This brings back memories for me! Years ago (someone I knew a long time ago---I SWEAR IT WAS NOT ME!) apparently was having some (shall I say ... uh.... digestive problems) and woke up in the middle of the night (apparently didn't turn on the light) and thought he grabbed the tube of hemorrhoidal cream from the medicine cabinet...only it wasn't what he thought it was...it was a tube of super glue.

Let's suffice to say I need not go into an more detail with this story... :o

Lesson learned: Keep super glue out of the medicine cabinet.

Oh yes, and knowing all things are possible with my doofy self, I have made certain that my "Sewers aid" and my "Fray Check" bottles DO NOT live together in the same drawer,,,,,,and I have marked the screw top on the Fray Check so it's obvious to me... Lord knows Shana would mix those two up!!!!

Why do these bottles look nearly identical?????? Why??? Can't Dritz Company put a Blue cap on the Fray Check and a Red cap on the Sewer's Aid? No...that would be too simple. They must have the same colored Blue cap and the same size bottle. Sheesh! :mad:

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