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I think I have it now!!

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Hay Ginny

This year I WILL be working on some DVD's. I will keep everyone posted as to when they will be done and where you will be able to get them.:P Hay Carol I THINK if you go to www.goldenthreads.com this pattern does come in panto (paper form) If not just let me know and I'll see what I can do to get you a copy. I know it's my design.... but Brian at Goldenthreads names all my patterns for me and I don't remember what we called this one... it should start with ..."Quilt it with... then the name of the pattern LOL maybe swirls. The package should have this design in all sizes ranging from 4 inch's to maybe 12 inch's and is done in all different shapes... square, circle, triangle. Let me know if you can't find it.:D Of course Tracey free hand quilted this!! And I am sure that you could do the same.:cool:

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