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Calling all Fitness friends

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Happy New Year!

Okay, who was it that wanted to join me in my quest to dump the extra weight I added?

I have no plan to organize anything super official but I recently started using my Facebook account and we could set up a group there unless someone else has ideas.

Anyway, I walked very fast on my treadmill today for 30 min and am keeping a food and weight journal. If we as a group want to use my facebook account let me know and I will send you a link to join.

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Hey you... I might join you. My family has a challenge going right now...started today. We are walking our way to fitness. My brother set out last year to walk 2 miles per day. He got a little behind, but was determined to catch back up and he did pretty well. This year my niece has challenged him and now we are up to 7 or 8 people. Not sure I can keep up with two challenges at a time, but I could try.

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I might join you too, Sherry! I had done pretty good this past summer, lost like 7-10 lbs, depending on the day....:D but have put back at least 5 of it. I've never been to facebook....don't know how to use it. Is it easy? Hummmm..... could I walk while I quilt?:D linda

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Sounds like a great idea. I walk every day but have been less vigilant this past year--and especially the last month--about avoiding some unhealthy foods, with predictable consequences. :( Last night at my neighbor/friend's urging (she's really persistent!) I signed up for a half marathon (we'll be walking) in February. Is it too early to begin carb loading for that? :P

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Sherry, I would love to join you in your facebook acct. Let me know how to get there and all the computer info that I will need. The last 2 years of medicating with food to get thru the trials have left me way over what I should weigh and I think that I need some accountability. Let me know the particulars. Thanks girlfriend! :cool:

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I have just recently set up my new Milli with a view of the back yard. To help me with my goal of being more active, I moved my elliptical not too far away from it. I'm planning on taking breaks from quilting by "running" on the machine next to it. Might help keep me loose for better quilting too....:!!!!

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Would it work better to just have a thread on here instead of facebook? I'm on facebook so I can keep up with my kids lives, so you end up being friends with the many and any other people that you know on there, so the info is wide open to each and every one that stops to see a photo or sees a comment.

Here you would be able to have a slightly more private focused conversation.

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Dear everyone,

It is so great to hear that you are making goals for the New Year!! You CAN DO IT!!! :)

Here was my journey that I will share with you~ ( I hope you don't mind)

I made that promise to my self last year to be active & healthy no matter what!!

I stuck to the plan through thick & thin! I swear dragging my buns out of a warm bed early every morning nearly killed me! But I MADE myself go to the gym EVERY day, I made a promise to myself that I was going to keep & no one or nothing would steal that time from me, the world could just wait & take a "number" until I was done doing something for ME!!! (and yes that meant quilts waiting to be quilted!!)

You know what, I am so glad I did, I really feel better than I ever have before. I have much, much more energy, not to mention that I was able to go on a wild shopping spree for a new wardrobe!

I really didn't think about the weight factor at all, I just knew that working up and breaking out into a good dripping sweat was what was going to make those lbs. fall off! CARDIO!!!

Never thought I would enjoy sweating, :P but I actually look forward to it & the new "gang" at the gym is a big part of my day. New friendships I have made this year with like minded people for support is a real bonus. It's a whole new life style.

I slowly changed my eating habits, cutting out any sweet mocha's or latte's, I now drink my coffee black & I enjoy it.

I was told by my Dr. that if a person eats refined sugar, they will crave sugar, it's just a vicious cycle! I went through a 2 week period of going through withdrawals, eating only natural sugar when I craved sweets, there were days when I would eat 5 lbs of apples! It was kind of like getting off of caffeine, but now I don't get the hunger pains. I watch the fats & drink lots of bottled water every day.

Today was hard for me because the gym was closed, I guess I must be like a reformed AAA, I just don't EVER want to back slide & go back to my sinful ways! :)

Sorry so long, but I really know how you all feel. I wont say how much weight I have lost, but it was 5 dress sizes, have good muscle tone & can now quilt longer than ever!!

Hey that's a great reason there to make 2009 YOUR year!!

I want to encourage you, go ahead, be selfish this year, it's all about YOU!

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I would like to be an encourager. My goal this past year was to get healthy and fit for skiing. DH and I begin our ski instructor commitment next Monday and I'm ready for it. I lost 15 pounds and have gained some lean tissue, muscle, I feel so much better than I did a year ago. I go to the gym and take the classes--Step and Tone, Abs, Pump, and new this year is Cardio Sculpt. I tried Zumba but my 58 year old back is not flexible enough to wiggle like they do.

All you gals who want to get fit, lose weight, and be healthy---GO FOR IT. You'll never regret it and you won't believe how much energy you will have. I worked my way through bursitis in my shoulders when I first began--just take little bitty steps. Don't do too much all at once. I hate pain! Go for the long haul.

I also do a little yoga--it's mostly just stretching--at night and that helps ward off the soreness the next day. And I sleep better.

There, that's my encouragement to you all. May I join you as I keep up my own fitness program? I learned a lot about eating to stay fit, little tricks, and I can share bits and pieces with you.

Sherry, let me know about where you finally set up the group. I agree that this forum is more convenient and private. We can just call it NQR-Fitness, or something.

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Good luck to you all and congratulations Linda .

We bought a Wii Fit for Christmas. Its heaps of fun and gets us moving. There are six of us at home from age 7 to grandad and we are all "working out". It was only a little more expensive than a good set of scales. My daughter is a fitness instructor and she thinks its a great way to encourage everyone to get moving. You can track your progress, posture, weight and BMI and you can compete with yourself or other members of the family. You get to choose from either a male or female trainer, the male is more forgiving than the female so I stick with him.

If you all meet on facebook, hope you'll let us know from time to time how you are doing.

Best wishes

Sue in Australia

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I, too, am working out again. I did teach step aerobics and water aerobics at the YMCA five years ago, then fell and hurt my back, and moved toVirginia. So now, with a few added pounds, I am back to stepping with my daughter (hollering out the moves) and working out with light weights. I need to take a piliates and yoga class too.

Linda...you look great!:D

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Okay, they say telling someone about your goal helps to increase your accountablity, so count me in. My goal for 2009 is to make lifetime goal at weight watchers. Enough of this piddling around stuff. I'm attempting to be a biker chick, in that I'm riding my bike for errands, with a goal of being a biker babe, looking at least not scary in those cycling shorts.

My husband laughed at me yesterday as I headed out in the pouring rain with yellow helmet cover and yellow jacket, too short pants. My motivation is that I only get to get myself something new for biking when I lose 10 lbs. 7 more to go, and I can get shoe covers so that I don't have the seriously soggy feet that I had yesterday. I literally wrung about 1/4 cup of water from each sock.

I also vote for keeping it on this forum, but then I'm computer illiterate, and can't even figure out why I'm not getting e-mails.

Thanks for the support from everyone, I look forward to seeing how great we all start to look and feel.

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I'm in! I started running again about a month ago after a long hiatus. We have a "Resolution Run 5k" here on New Year's Eve and although I'm still in terrible shape and the weather was brutal - windy and below 20 when the race started at 6:30 pm - I ran anyway! Walked a bit of the hilly part and wasn't anywhere near my time in previous years, but I finished faster than I expected and didn't embarrass myself. Running outdoors in Pennsylvania in the winter can be hit or miss, but I really want to stick with it and get back in decent shape. I keep reminding myself that if I keep moving it will get easier! Having support and encouragement makes such a difference.

I don't have a facebook account and have trouble keeping up with all my other accounts as it is, so I would vote for this forum as well.


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Count me in too. I have made tremendous efforts yesterday and today to try to eat right. I have also not had any tea to drink, and only very limited amounts of sugar. I tried no sugar, but had such a horrible headache by 5 yesterday afternoon that I had to eat a chocolate covered cherry. If I can shake the sugar habit I'll do fine I think. Haven't added exercise yet. I'll get the eating under control first, then start some kind of exercise. There isn't a gym around here that I can afford, so I'll do something here at the house. Visiting with you every day will keep me motivated.

I'll join facebook if y'all will tell me how.

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Okay, you all convinced me "I'm in". My neighbor stopped by two days ago and asked me to be her running partner. I'm getting new running shoes this weekend.

Nobody has really mentioned the amount of weight they want to lose - I need to lose 25 - 35 lbs and get control of a few jiggles. I don't eat to badly just lack enough exercise.

Keep us posted

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I am in too. I don't have facebook either and don't know much about it. I do things a little differently though. I am a low carber and have been for about 4 years. It works for me. Last year was a difficult year for me and I fell back into eating badly on more than one occasion and gained a few lbs. I need to lose about 30. I started 3 days ago and am already down 3 lbs. I have been an exerciser for years as that is/was my profession. But I have been very bad about weight training for a long time. So my goals are to lose the weight and really get seriously back into my weight training. I have gotten weak and don't like it. However I am having a flair up of chondritis but it is almost better so I will start that in a few days. Right now I have been riding the lifecycle every day for 1/2 an hour.

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