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I don't often get tips, it isn't done in the UK, but one customer gave me enough to buy a fancy T-shirt I had been after for ages, I guess it was about 25 pounds. What made it really special was I got to wear it to collect my awards at the Festival of Quilts last year, so it's really special to both of us.


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Another customer just picked up her quilt and gave me a $10 tip plus a plate of baked goodies for my kids!

I have a lot of appointments today (8 quilt pick ups & 1 quilt drop off). I have been quilting 12-14 quilts per week for the past month, trying to clear my schedule. I have to have a hysterectomy (surgery) either next week (if my Doc can fit me in or soon there after). Will know exactly which day when I go back to see her on Friday.

Anyways my customers are the greatest! I can't believe I got 2 tips and gooies in one day :P

3 more customers left for the day, 1 is a drop off.

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4 years ago I was asked to make a quilt by a bride. It was to be a gift for her parents, her way of thanking them for all they had done for her and for her wedding. We decided on a Log Cabin with photos in the center. This was before I had the longarm and did my quilting for a hobby. I met the bride-to-be at the LQS, I had designed the quilt in EQ5, so she knew fabric amounts needed. She bought the fabric for the top and backing. (Her fiance told her to spend whatever she needed for this) As I had not done a Log Cabin before, I told her I would charge her minimal for this. (I know her parents and they are the sweetest people I know) For me, it was a learning process and I loved it!! When she and her sister came to pick it up, I only charged her $50 to cover my costs and a little on the time. I know, it didn't cover it all but I was happy with it and that is what mattered. Well, the girls whispered together and the B2B asked if she could give me a tip. I told her it was not neccessary and she said she wanted to. Imagine my shock when she hands me a check for $200!!! I told her "honey, that is way more than a tip". She said, "yes, but I know what goes into making these". She was only 24 and she "gets it". Both those girls are sweethearts, they take after their parents. They gave the quilt to her parents at the rehearsal dinner and she made her dad cry. What better compliment can you get then that? ;) No tips since then, but no tip will equal that one.

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Yes I do get some sleep, lol & no not on my machines table. :P

I have been doing 2-3 quilts a day, depending on their size.

These have been the snow bird quilts and they need them by mid march or April before they go back home (which will be my recovery time after surgery) I plan on taking 8 weeks off of quiting customer quilts to really heal properly. My mom had a hysterectomy in her 40's and she started doing too much too soon and hemoraged & almost died, so I am not taking any chances :) The reason for my surgery is because of all of my pregnancies (I had 4 and the last one ended up being twins) My babies were all in the 8 lb range and the twins were each in the 6 lb range and still 1 month early. It really did a number on my uterus :o On the bright side no more dealing with "That time of the month" :D

I probably could have waited until summer for the surgery but didn't want to have to recover when the kids were home from school for the summer...there would be no rest for sure. LOL

Anyways all of these quilts are part of my special that I am running because of the ecconomy so they are all easy meanderings, mostly lap - full size quilts.

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Kelly, you definately have the best tip story! And well deserved. I bet the parents still treasure that quilt.

Thanks all for your well wishes concerning my upcomming surgery. I am planning to take it easy no housework for at least 4 weeks...already told my oldest (she's 18) that she will be in charge of meals & laundry, the other kids 14, 12, and the 9 year old twins and of course DH all will pick up the rest of the slack. As far as any pain or discomfort after surgery, well that's what pain meds are for ;)

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My very first customer quilt came with a $20. tip, it was so encouraging because I was shaking in my boots about this beautiful quilt that I was scared to put the needle into. The customer sent me a thankyou card with a cheque and the tip......it really was what I needed to keep me motivated.l


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I did a simple large meander for a friend at Christmas and didn't charge her because it didn't take more than an hour to do. So...she called me up one day and said she was taking me to lunch and shopping as a way to say thanks. By the time we got home (after a wonderful and fun day), I'm sure she spent way more than what it would have cost to quilt the quilt and any tip she might want to give. I loved that tip!

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