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Thrilled - have to write a project for a Magazine!

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I've been asked to write up one of my quilts as a project for a UK mag! It's Silent Movie Star (sepia and gold)

Yikes - that means checking that the instructions are good for other, more technical people, making the diagrams look nice and EVERYTHING!!

I do have EQ6... maybe I'd better read the manual.

Deadline is mid June EEK!


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Thank you all - what are you doing checking the forum so early in your morning?!

It's for the Augustish edition of "Popular Patchwork" that comes out in time for Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, UK

Ta, Ferret - they have already said they have an editor who checks that the style fits their format.

I was hoping to slip in one of my weird recipes of what you produce for children to eat (without complaining or they go hungry) from what is in the house since trips to the supermarket are so pointless...

Last night we had pigeon pittas with pea pesto - pleasingly alliterative and actually tasty, which was a bonus!;)

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Guest Linda S

Congratulations Linzi! I love the quilt and I've enjoyed reading your blog. You write very well, so I think this is a natural for you. Go girl, GO!


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Linzi...Pigeon Pitas??? Really...pigeons???? 'fess up, what is it. Not (shudder) pigeons!!

I think you should definitely slip in a recipe or two; your humor is great and they'll appreciate it!

Your quilt is so beautiful and what an honor. You should send your draft pattern to some of the better piecers on this list to have them see that they can follow it. If you want to send it to some of the worst piecers on this list to make sure even challenged quilters can do it, I'll volunteer!:D

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No, really - proper pigeons! A friend's husband loves an excuse to shoot things to eat and his slightly unusual hobby is butchering them. They were eating all the newly seeded fields until Paul bagged them last weekend. He skinned, cleaned and filletted them and even put them into a proper vacuum packed bag. The children thought I was joking when I told them to look out for bits of shot! Little slices of the incredibly dark breast meat were quickly pan fried, popped into a toasted pitta and served with fresh peas in pesto sauce - voila! Apparently he also makes very good bunny burgers. (Incidentally, Welly is off the hook for the pet rabbit murder...)

Today I had to round up hens and clip their wings for a friend. No wonder I have half a dozen projects on the go and I feel a bit like a headless chook myself.

I wonder if I even kept clear scribbles for my quilt... I'll put something together and ask for checkers/testers.

You are all so fab! :cool:

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Originally posted by sewlinzi

No, really - proper pigeons!......

The children thought I was joking when I told them to look out for bits of shot! .........

Apparently he also makes very good bunny burgers. (Incidentally, Welly is off the hook for the pet rabbit murder...)

.... No wonder I have half a dozen projects on the go and I feel a bit like a headless chook myself.

Linzi, stop! I am going to bust a gut. :P You are making me ROFLMAO!! :P

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