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Hungarian Broken Dishes finished!...maybe

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At last - something that I can show off and is finished. It might need a few yoyos... Bonnie Botts got me the rickrack from her local Walmart! I did circles with the HF. The rest is freehand.

It is for a show in Hungary at the textiles museum where they dye indigo fabrics. They may not accept it since I have not used ALL Hungarian fabric.

There are coffee pots on each side because the blocks are broken dishes. There are plates and doilies... the freehand crosshatch down the side border is supposed to be the crackle effect on old crockery.


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I have a new haircut that is the same on both sides so must get a new pic...

Rickrack was just held on by fingers and zigzagged on with invisible thread.

Scallop binding was a long job!

PP's are there because they look like the triangles on the quilt and anyway I just like them...

This is a heavy quilt so will be expensive to post - wool bat and linen toile on the back - but it hangs nice and straight because of that!

I might still put yoyos in the centre of some of the plates and in the dents of the scallops because I like them too. I'll make a few and try them on for size!

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Hi Linzi - love the new hair cut and blue and white quilts are one of my favorites. Love the doilies, the rickrack and your quilting too. Great Job. I sure hope that they accept it at the show.

PS re: the yo yo's - Are they going to be blue? or a color? Just wondering.

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