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Heidi ....... wedding

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Oh Meg & Jeanne & Bonnie (where did Jeane's post go?) so nice of you to think of us! We are all recovering and no pictures yet, they are on cameras somewhere and of course I could not sleep again! OK so the wedding was beautiful and the bride and groom were just so happy no matter what went wrong!

So the story goes. I was getting my hair done and the lady calls from the catering hall to tell me the cake has a very small amount of condensation on it. I asked how cold the cooler was and she says, 48. Panic because fondant does not lke to go from cold to warm and the condensation was from the cold. I had specifically told her not to put the temp lower than 58 - 60. Well I said ok I'm going to be there in 30 minutes to get the cake set and asked her to take it out of the frige but not to put it in a warm place so that the temperature change was not drastic. Well I get there to see what it going on and there were litterally waterfalls coming off the cake!!!!!! I'm not exagerating either. I couldn't even cry but I was pretty sure I was going to throw-up! I kept my composure and started trying to get the condensation off the cake without ruining it, as if it could get worse! I didn't have time to redo the fondan since all the groomsmen were coming to our place and we had to leave by 1. I called my BIL, God love em, and told him I was having a disaster and to just come be with me. I knew he wouldn't say anything and would do what he could to help. We moved the cake to a cooler place and turn the ac down more. It had been set at 75 so it was hot! He fanned that cake for almost an hour while I worked at trying to get it dried off. We really needed a fan on it but they didn't have one. I just kept working at it. It finally got too late and I had to leave. I called the gal that had catered our rehearsal dinner and asked if she knew anybody that did cakes. She said, "Don't worry about it I will fix this for you!" Within 30 minutes she had a cake decorator on her way!!!!! The gal pulled off all the fondant and redid the cake. She didn't put the shells on like I had and when I got there I messed with it and tried to make it more like what I had. We got it looking ok but the good news is that it no longer had a waterfall! I didn't tell the brides mom about the problem at the church as she was a mess already and was so upset the whole day. The limo for the bride broke down so they had to bring her to the church in the party bus. The kids all rode the party bus after the wedding and hubby and I rode in the limo that said just married! LOL the kids couldn't all fit in our limo because there were too many and our limo was smaller. The kids wanted everybody in the limo all together because they had champaign and stuff. They were happy and smiled through the whole ceremony! They bride kept swishing her dress and was just glowing! The mom of the bride was beside herself because the last thing that she told the priest was that she didn't want any joking and just wanted a traditional service. She didn't get what she wanted and when he started talking to the parents and the grandparents I thought she was going to get up and hit him! He screwed up her mom and dad's name and her husband had to hold her down! The flowers fell off the pew and it just seemed like nothing was going to go exactly has she had planned. Flowers were all wilted and not what they had wanted either. Had I told her that the cake was a disaster I knew that would push her over the edge so I kept my mouth shut. My daughter's godmother headed to the reception early to supervise the cake. I headed there earlier than we had planned because I forgot the brides mom was going there to make sure everything was going according to plan.She pulled me aside when I got there Marsha (Jen's godmother) said, "The cake is going to be fine. It is not together the way you would have had it but it looks just fine." It was definitely not the way I had done it so I started to play and try to fix it. Had I thought about it I would have told her to just refondant it and I'd do the shells when I got there but oh well! I moved stuff around and tried to make it more what it was supposed to look like. I apologized to the mom and she said she was glad I hadn't told her at the church. She wasn't happy about anything. She hated the tables, hated that they didn't set the tables up right, hated the cake, just about everything. I only saw her smiling once or twice the whole night. The kids thought it was just perfect!!!! They just went with the flow. The bestmans speech was just wonderful and it all went just fine. We all danced the whole night and I have blisters to prove it! I talked to the brides mom this morning and I asked her if she had a good time. Her answer, "No." I told her to remember how happy our children were and how perfect they thought it was and my family said it was the best wedding they have ever been too. Her family said the same thing. She was a miserable woman and I'm sad for her! I could have let the cake ruin my life but it will all be fine! I told her that too. She said, "Yes the cake was bad but thank you for staying so calm about it." I'm sure she want to slit my throat but oh well! The kids are off to Punta Cana and we're recovering! The Priest - ok so now I'll tell you his name...are you ready? Priest Smiley! LOL he is anything but!!!! They refer to him and Priest Not-so-Smiley! The night of the rehearsal his assistant interupted him because he forgot something and he said in a very nasty voice, "This is why I'm celebate because I don't want a woman interupting me." I thought I was going to have to hold my husband down. He leaned over to me and said that I can't even begin to say out loud in a church what I want to right now! I'll try to get a few pictures posted later! I didn't sleep at all and there are lots more stories but this is already a novel! I'll let you all know more later if you want more!

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Are you kidding...duh, yeah we want it all..

I'm so sorry about the cake, but you made lemonade out of the situation and all wasn't lost. It could have been a total I can't fix it, and race to the nearest supermarket bakery and get the only thing they had or go without any cake. SO what that the shells weren't all on exactly...yes, I know I would be upset myself, but you did a wonderful job of working with it and making it gorgeous. And in the end it was eaten and no one other than the few even realized I bet that it wasn't the perfect masterpiece it started out to be.

And I will go back now and wait for pictures...I can't wait to see your dress...and of course the brides...

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OMG - don't you just love it!!!!:P:P:P The stories of weddings........

Sorry about new MIL - she sounds like a real trip!! Too bad she couldn't enjoy it - it was the kid's day & if they were happy - she should have been happy!! LOL.... Priest Smiley - well he sounds like a charmer! The cake - bet it tasted great!

Just think of all the funny memories all of you will have. When our son was married, I had sent my dress to my son so it could be pressed and all ready to go. Of course I didn't look at it until midnight the night before - started looking at it and nothing was hanging right ........ OMG - tried it on and the cleaners had shrunk the damn (sorry about my french) thing. This is Saturday night and the wedding was Sunday - 10 am!!!! Tears came and then I reminded myself that it was the bride's day and no one would look at me anyway!! Called my sis and told her to show up at the wedding site early and to bring lots of safety pins!!! I made her pin me into my dress, wrap the sash around my waist to hide the worst of the dress and help keep me laughing which was hard to do since I couldn't breath anymore......... The bride was an hour late getting there and the poor photographer was going crazy but my son wasn't concerned since he figured she would be late and he had accounted for it............ Anyway, all went well........... the kids were so cute and happy and that is all that counted. We all laugh now and actually if it weren't for the funny (sometimes not so funny) stories, the wedding might have been a bit boring!!!

What other funny stories are out there ......... this could be fun.

Heidi - looking forward to pictures and so glad the kids were so happy!!!! Have a safe trip home!!!

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She doesn' realize it yet but she will one day that she cheater herself out of a beautiful day! No one can control every thing that happens at an event. You do your best and then enjoy yourself come what may. We laughed a lot at our children't weddings and brushed off the things that weren't as we had planned. Looking back those are still now fun things to remember. I wish your child the best as he learns to live within the sharp eye of this lady. She may mellow as time goes by. Lets hope so.

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OK Bonnie here are just a few more and trust me there are lots!

My daughter just got home and she told us that they heard all the comments the brides mom saying during the ceremony. The best one was, "If he says one more comment I'm going to get up and take him down!" That must have been when her husband grabbed her hand and arm and held onto her! I couldn't hear anything but I could see everything! The bestman told me that the brides mom was his source of entertainment during the ceremony :P:P:P!

The reception was a combined venue. Inside dinner and outside dancing. It was a beautiful night, although we got really hot! There was also a pool, which also had the mom worked up. They had one guest that had the cutest little 2 year old boy! The pool had water fountains all around and he would try to stomp on them and stop the water. His grandpa was the one that started it too! By the end of the night he was in the pool and brides mom was not happy about that either!

We had all gone to get our hair & makeup done in the morning. The gal that did my hair was newer I think and burnt my forehead twice! Good thing I have bangs! Anyway she did my daughters hair after I left and when she was done asked my daughter what she thought and my daughter told her it was aweful! She said you could see all the bobbi pins and the girl said where and she said, "here, here, here, here, everywhere!" She really hated her hair. The owner of the salon ended up redoing it for her and I have to say my daughter took my breath away when I saw her at the church! I know I'm partial but she was absolutely stunning! Several of the guys thought so too. One of the boys that came was one from high school and his mom had come with him. We both talked and we were playing match maker. I'll post a picture of that too so you can see how cute he is! Love him like a son already! LOL

OK so here is the last funny that I can think of for now. At the end of the night they wanted to leave by walking through sparklers. It was absolutely beautiful and we were at the door area. Well they ran through and right into the limo. I had no idea that was going to happen and hadn't said goodbye!!!! Yup I went running after them saying I had to say goodbye! I don't think her mom was happy with that either. She said Heidi they are leaving and I said, "I will say goodbye to my son and daughter-in-law as I'm sure you will." She said, "Oh." There was no room for more. OK so what I didn't know was that all the attendants were going in the car with them to be dropped off at their destinations. I had had a discussion with the mom a few minutes before about where the attendants were going. My daughter had told me she was going with the other bridesmaids to the beach house. Well the mother of the bride tells me no she is not she is going to whatever house she is staying at. I said, "Oh maybe I misunderstood." She says in a very rude way, "Well I'm done with the girls and I'm tired and they are not coming to my beach house!" I said ok but my daughter didn't have a key to our beach house to just be dropped off! My daughters bag ended up with us and not her!

The limo got held up because the brides brother couldn't be found and they were looking for him. Hubby was standing by the limo with the brides father and the brides father was talking about something and got animated and ends up hitting my hubby in the jaw really hard. Actually drew blood! I didn't see it happen but came up and her father is apologizing like there is no tomorrow. I said, "Mark why are you apologizing we think everything was just perfect!" Her father says, "No I just hit your husband!" I said, "Well now that is a problem!!!!! Play nice" Hubby's jaw is really hurting him today and his head is too. He is still in bed!

So we all sat in the hot tub until 1:30 am chatting and talking about the bridezilla mother-in-law! She was just horrible about everything and I'm so sorry she was so unhappy about everything! I really hope that when they get back that she doesn't just keep telling her daughter about everything that went wrong! I think in the end you have to just smile and enjoy the love!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

....... The kids thought it was just perfect!!!! They just went with the flow. The bestmans speech was just wonderful and it all went just fine. We all danced the whole night .......

This is the part I saved out of your entire story. This is the most important part. The kids thought it was perfect. That's all that really matters! :)

I think sometimes we all dream of everything with all the fabulous details turning out the way we imagine and it never does turn out this way. We work so hard to get everything just right and we fuss about all the details and the unfortunate thing is we set ourselves up for disappointment. Well, in the big scheme of things all that really matters is the kids had a great time, and they said their vows in front of their family and got married! Now they are relaxing on their honeymoon and are only thinking of the great memories of their wedding, not the disasters. God bless them in their new lives together!! :) Try to remember the good times and forget the disasters. In the end, the most important thing happened. Now you can relax, Heidi and know that you raised a good son and his new life is beginning. (((hugs)))

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ok, you made me, my daughter and my niece almost wet our pants. thanks for the great stories.

I always say it's the marriage thats important the ceremony is just stuff!

Love ya Heidi, can't wait to meet someday, maybe I'll be able to come to a show sometime, sounds like this group is just too much to pass up on.


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Hey Heidi,

I can't believe what happened. I just wish it was you socking the MIL in the mouth. Now that would have been perfect and I bet you would have slept well. As long as the kids enjoyed themselves and they are married that is all that matters. I hope that you can enjoy some rest and relaxation for the coming week.

There is no way to make a negative person see the positive, remember that is her problem not yours.


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I'm so with Charlotte on this as well...sounds like she would whine if someone hung her with a new rope.... You can't fix her problems, I just hope she leaves the kids out of her stuff when they get back and doesn't bring a cloud to their marriage.

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Heidi! That is hysterical! Did you really expect anything less? Or more? Be happy it's over, we all feel your pain! and I agree with Catherine - can ya get the quilt back? I really don't think she'll appreciate it at all!

The wedding sounds like so many of the great times of life! Like Shana said, remember the good stuff - and the rest you'll laugh about over and over for years to come!

I do hope your son takes his new MIL with a grain of salt...

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Wow, this a a wedding story to write out to be remembered so that when your son and his wife have a daughter to get married they will remember what could have ruined there wedding and not do the same thing. Unfortunately being the mother of the bride is a huge stress factor and can quickly turn from a wonderful memory into a horror film. When our daughter got married we had lots of last minute problems as well. I can remember the night before not making it into bed until well after midnight and crying myself to sleep, got up the next morning and things didnt get much better, but by the time we got to the reception and the actual wedding was finished I decided to chill out and enjoy myself. Actually drank the champagne toas. and I never drink!! it helped to calm me down and let me relax and enjoy myself. it was actually my birthday that they got married on and I was determined to enjoy the occasion no matter what. Even when the groom at the prompting of his Marine buddies, disrespected my daughter by shoving a huge piece of wedding cake with black frosting all over her face, hair, dress and ruined her makeup. She was in tears and I was about to come unglued on him . When she later got cleaned up and had tear lines all down her face, she danced with her Daddy and cried more on his shoulder and got cake all over his tuxedo that was left on her dress from her trying to get away from him.

So, I know how these things can go, but the best part is that we survive and how we conduct ourselves that really matters and shows the type of people that we are. Heidi, you did yourself and your family proud. MIL on the other hand showed her true colors and we can only hope that her daughter doesnt take after her in that sense.

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I talked to her for almost an hour tonight and she was actually laughing. She said she was embarrassed at how she reacted to everything. She said all her family loved everything and I told her that I hope she just looks at the special things and how happy her daughter was! My daughter told me that the brides feet didn't touch the floor when they were sitting during the service and she kept loosing her shoes. That really made her laugh. She said that her husband kept knocking the flowers off the pew she was just ready to die. I told her I was waiting for the next time for it to get wrapped around his throat. She really laughed. She had no idea how bad the cake really was so that was good. I told her to not tell her daughter everything that was wrong and just let her believe it was absolutely perfect. She said she probably wouldn't. She hadn't heard anything about her hubby hitting my hubby and she almost died. We all had a great laugh over that one and her hubby still feels horrible. It is good to just hear her laugh about it. She did thank me for the rehearsal dinner and said how much both of their families loved it and how perfect it was. Really I would have been ok if that had gone all bad instead!!!! She did love the quilt although I think she was overwhelmed by it and I'm still not sure if she thought I was calling her fat over the whole thing. She hasn't said a word to me about it. Everybody loved it and her daughter told me she thought she was really touched. I'm ok with everything. I really wish the cake problem had not happened but it did and there is nothing you can do about it so I'm not going to cry about it. In fact I was really impressed that I didn't cry once. I really wanted to and I did say once that I ruined their wedding but I pulled it together. It is what it is and our kids are happy and that really is all that counts in my world! Oh and did I tell you that I had tried to call her last night because somebody had left their purse and forgot that the kids had gone back to their place until the shuttle service picked them up at 2 am? So my son will be able to say tha this mother called him on his wedding night! ROFLMAO...only me!!!! I did find out that my son texted his friends at 4:30 am (they were in the shuttle to the airport) and told his friends they better take care of his sister! LOL I just love that boy!

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You really need to write a book while this is still fresh. MIL probably didn't know how to deal with her real emotions and took the easy way of looking/finding something else to focus on. It sounds like she may be on the mend, stress does strange things to us all and she had such high hopes for the wedding. WHat kept running thru my mind tho, was, Whose wedding is this anyway? Alls well that ends well. THank the Good lord above that it is over and the crick didn't riz.


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Heidi, thanks for sharing your wedding woes and stories over the weeks. I'm so glad that things did turn out well, if not the way they were planned.

We just got home from my niece's wedding, definately not as eventful as your's but as long as they couple are happy and married, that's good for me.

Thanks for taking time to help me with the borders for the wedding quilt for this niece in the midst of your own wedding plans. I gave the center to them to show his family (here from Equador) and have the borders almost ready to go on. As soon as I turn around one diamond on each border that got sewn on backwards!!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

She did love the quilt although I think she was overwhelmed by it and I'm still not sure if she thought I was calling her fat over the whole thing. She hasn't said a word to me about it. Everybody loved it and her daughter told me she thought she was really touched.

This is the part I was waiting for. You know, after it's all over and just a memory, she will have that quilt as a gentle reminder what a sweet person you are and a wonderful husband her daughter married.

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WOW Heidi. I know this isn't how you expected your sons' wedding to go...but what a night to remember. You all survived it. And the bride and groom don't know the half of it...a good thing.

Hope your husband is okay after his mishap with the bride's dad. Glad you are back on the chat with us...you were missed.

Thanks for the giggles as I read this...:P:);)

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