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Last Customer Quilt - Done!!

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Woo-whooo, can you see me doing the happy dance!! You know, the one Snoopy does....that is me right now. I did 2 panto quilts one on Saturday, one on Sunday....I'm done, done, done....unless someone else calls. But finally after 5 years, I get to finish/start/finish/start :D my own quilts....Yippee!!!;):cool:

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I agree its such a relief to know you don't have a deadline....I am working on a graduation present (from me) and then back to my own stuff again. i'm still doing the happy retirement dance and its been 5 years this month...

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I just opened up my 201-2 cabinet. Oiled up the machine, cleaned her up, and now I'm ready to set it up to quilt. Luke and Becky (my stepson and wife) will celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary in September...I'm trying to get 'er done before that. Just a few blocks to go, then I can start sewing rows together and quitl it. Yippee...this feels too good!!

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Originally posted by dtreusch

Ok, now I'm really jealous. Unless I do an early retirement, I have 20+ years to go before the happy retirement dance!!:mad:

Happy quilting retirement dance.....After 10 years of hard and heavy quilting...I retired.. no correction Burned out.... that's what I was talking about, I too am to young for IRS retirement....

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Congrats and I can't wait to see some of our creations. I'm only in my 2nd year and I don't quilt to make a killing. I would be so burnt out if I had to do 2 quilts a day! My day job is stressfull enough and I don't need any more in the evening. I'm happy to get 1 done every week or 2. I won't be pushed into more. I do schedule time for me too! Right now my time has been in the garden but if not the weeds will just take over and I will miss all those beautiful blooms! I so can't wait until I can quit my day job! Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!

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Originally posted by sewlinzi

Have fun playing!!

Will you really, really stick to your guns?!;)

After all this, I did call a customer last night that had dropped by a couple of months ago with a quilt. She still needed to finish it and then wanted me to quilt it. I called her...she is coming by tonight to drop it off :)

I did get to work on some piecing last night and I plan to work on some more tonight :cool:

Some of you that work fulltime know how difficult it is. Because I work in a call center, I am suppose to get off at 5:30 - last night it was 5:40, the night before that it was 6:10. You just can't hang up on a customer just because it is 5:30. Anyway....that cuts into quilting time at night. There is still dinner to fix, clean up, and by that time it is 8:30. Oh, did I mention, my parents live 150 miles away and are 79 and 82. My dad's health is failing and I need to spend weekend time in Springfield. So now is a good time to stop taking so many customer quilts. One or two, here and there an I am fine with that.

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Now that you have some piecing time, should we expect a South of the Border quilt next year at MQS?? :D I have some ideas jotted down and have done some internet research. Not I need to start making them come to fruition.

I started working on a guild challenge quilt last weekend with my free time. Without IQ this would not be happening for me. Last week I was able to do 1 E2E quilt a day (while working full time) and still spend time designing my challenge quilt. What fun to just let the creative juices flow!!

I like the idea above where someone carves out time in their schedule for their own stuff. Easier said that done for those of us who have difficulty saying no!!

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Originally posted by dtreusch

Now that you have some piecing time, should we expect a South of the Border quilt next year at MQS?? :D

As a matter of fact! I have the idea on paper, I have purchased the fabric, I have been researching on the net, and I am almost ready to cut the fabric!! Ah-Ha!! You didn't expect that did you?!:cool:

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Congrats MB. I know that this is what you have wanted to do for a long time. I've just started turning down some quilts cause I just want time to finish some of my PIGS (projects in grocery sacks). There are only so many hrs in a day and I don't want to get 10 years down the road and still have things that I wished I had done. You go girl. :D:cool::D

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