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NQR Wishing all houses came with maid service!

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So today I took the day off. My plan was to get a customer quilt done but instead I'm cleaning. I'm getting company tonight and things have gotten away from me. I have vacuumed 3 floors of rooms, dusted the same, washed all the floors, washed all the throw rugs and scrubbed the kitchen. Hubby did the bathroom last night. All if finally clean and I'm glad it is done. Now my company can come and I won't worry about looking for all the dust bunnies and there were many! It still isn't as clean as I used to keep my house but it will have to do! Gone are the day that I vacuum every day, clean the bathrooms every day and wipe out the sinks if they get water in them...yes I used to be that bad! I do like a clean house it just isn't as clean as it could be. Oh well! I am not doing the windows even though they really need it. That is for another day or two! Now I have to go do my ck book, hit the bank, hit the grocery store and then finally I'll be able to quilt!

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I agree. My house needs a major maid service as well as a handy man full time. We have an addition that needs to be finished, so everything is not in a place of belonging. I don't even want to try to start because nothing has a place to be put!! And to top it off, hubby has the deck being redone and added on to so nothing is done outside and he is off fishing this weekend!!

So, I haven't cleaned house, barely did dishes (it helps if you don't dirty many while eating very little!), and last night started to rearrange the sewing area. We must be made for each other!!

When you find the house with automatic maid service, let me know so we can clone one for me.

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well if that isnt the truth and the yard came with a grasscutter/gardener!! We could just concentrate on our quilting. I am having a house full for the weekend too, however, any cleaning that I do before hand will be futile as within 5 minutes it would be totally undone, 3 little girls will do that to you. So, I just make sure beds are ready, bathrooms clean and lots of food in the house and wait till they leave to do the cleaning when it will actually stay that way a little longer.

I often spend my quilting time cleaning and then wonder why I dont get any quilting done!! Less than 20 minutes left to finish a quilt and it will likely have to wait until Monday after son and girls leave. Also have two corners to take out on border because I exercised my Woman given right to change my mind. too bad I didn't change my mind before it was quilted.

Oh well, I like the second option better than the first so rip, rip, rippit!!:o

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I do have to say I function much better in a clean space than I do one where I'm tripping over everything.

Cindy - I used to be a stay-at-home-mom. Going to school part time and running a daycare for another family for 4 years didn't count. LOL I used to have my house clean by 9 am usually, always made homemade everything and did all the cleaning, laundry and such. Even mowed the lawn much of the time. Well that all changed when I went back to work full-time out of the house. It took about 2 years to retrain hubby and it took one giant explosion! At that point I told him I could no longer do it all or should I say to be fair the majority of it because he did help when "he had time." I told him to pick 3 chores that he wanted to do weekly. He picked laundry, bathroom and lawn. He has always taken care of the dishes after dinner (well after the kids left). I do most everything else but I can manage that. Now the bathrooms and laundry don't always get done the way I want them but at least for the most part I can live with them. I have no idea why he doesn't think the floor should be done when he cleans the bathroom! I told him if he wanted a maid and didn't want to help then he'd have to hire one. It all works out and we have talked about hiring somebody to come in once a week but I'm too picky and I really don't want somebody else cleaning my house. My mom has even offered (when she comes over and sees a mess) to come clean for me. No way!!!!! LOL I can't handle that.

All clean and off to the bank and grocery store. I wanted to be on the machine by 2...not going to happen. I'll be lucky if I get there after dinner.

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oh heidi.. i hear 'ya... the 'maid in me' kicks in only when i have company coming... thank goodness my company (sis-in-law) left today... she was here for a week, but because she stayed here, i had to even clean the guest room AND the guest bathroom... thank goodness no more cleaning--until someone else comes to visit... i'm hoping my back heals soon... threw it out while going to every single store in the seattle area!! (she's a shopper--not a quilter so no fabric shops)... BUT she did help my husband pick the pears and apples and paint the hallway while she was here... now i need her other sister to visit so she can make pear / apple jam... anyone have an easy recipe??

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I have several friends that have housekeepers and hear them complain about having to clean BEFORE the housekeeper comes so they won't be so embarrassed! I don't get it.

Guess I didn't "train" my husband correctly (and I hope he doesn't figure out how to read this forum).:D

All I can see is the cape flowing behind Heidi as she goes about getting ready to quilt. You know, the Superwoman cape!;) Happy Quilting when you get there today.

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Jessica - Nope! Just got home from the bank and grocery store. All the groceries are put away and I called hubby to tell him I'm not cooking so he is stopping for tacobell on his way home.

It was very nice to come home to a very clean house though and I just won't look at the windows! I usually give a good clean once on the weekend and just little stuff during the week. The house really doesn't get too dirty when it is just hubby and I. Since my daughter moved back in it does get a bit messier but still not horrible. She is not a neat knick at all! I need to go put the guest bed back together and finish up the grills for the stove and then I'm hitting my studio. Oh and I have to make a batch of zuchinni muffins...I think those will wait until later tonight! I came home with a headache and I'd love to just sit here and not do anything but I have to get that customer quilt done this weekend if I can and that will be hard since I'll have company. I hope they sleep in like they usually do!

Cindy I'll have to make a cape...that might make it go quicker. Not bad though I'm only 2 hours behind where I thought I would be and I actually did more than I planned.

Charla I hope your back feels better soon. That is no fun!

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Sometimes I think I am lucky with 2 little places. Even though where ever I am is not spotless, it is so easy to just keep at it and so it never gets that bad - I remember the big house - OMG, did it get away from me sometimes. On the other hand it would be nice to have a 12' table over the 10'.............. plus a 3 car garage.........

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I have no house cleaner, except for when I can not stand it any more and scrub from top down...then the house cleaner is me! Being a perfectionist makes for a clean house and a very tired me!

A few years ago I taught a friend to quilt. She has always been a wonderful "housekeeper" even with 4 young boys at home. She called to tell me her first quilt was finished and invited me over to see it. Well, I walked in and could not help but notice the very full-grown dust bunnies all along the stairs...I new she was a "real" quilter at that point!!! Of course, her quilt was beautiful...and she was already working on the second.


APQS Liberty


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ROFL, Liam....hEIDI, didnt'you offer to come SHOW me how you do it so well, and fast, if I needed you too.?

Nows the time, only the wrong arm & hand work, and Himself wont move around much, so I'M DESPERATE... will get the spare bed up and made, gather all tools and cleaners, and sit in the cool night of skeeters for ya,. this will be fun!!!!!


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My hubby brought home an excuse plaque one day from his treasure hunting:

Dust testing in progress

Do not disturb samples!

I follow the sign faithfully, never disturb the samples. We live on a gravel road so have plenty of opportunity to always have samples. I do think that some of the trees and shrubs have finally grown up enough to slow down some of the infiltration.

Liam, cute post!

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Joyce in my house you have to pick up after yourself. I trained my son to clean up his messes and he is pretty good about it (he closes on his house in two weeks and then he will be gone "empty nest"). Dishes are done daily otherwise Saturdays are my cleaning and laundry days. There is no lady of the house here, my wife has been gone a little over 7 years now (no interest in replacing her).

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I'm trying something different this weekend; I'm quilting for several hours and then taking an hour or two to actually clean something, then back to quilting. That almost worked today...:) I quilted for about 4 hours (started late after sleeping in and lazing around til 8:o, then 30 minutes of exercise and a shower and starting laundry). The majority of our windows look out on the meadow and its a lovely view...when you can see it--so I finally washed the windows. The view is back! (Probably pointless with the construction going on, but it made me feel better.

Tomorrow, I may dust...we'll see.

I have told Dennis that when the yurt is done and we've moved the bed into the bedroom and the furniture back to where it used to be, I'm hiring a lady I know to come in and mop and dust twice a month. Working 40 hours, quilting for others, and keeping my horses in shape (yes...that is a requirement:D) just doesn't allow for a very clean house.

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