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NQR-It is 3 am, wish I could sleep

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I have been tossing and turning tonight. Wish this was a chat room and some one was here to talk too. I have just totally stressed out on selling my house. To make a long story shorter, we had a really low ball offer (I do understand this is a buyers market). So we countered a few thousand (just eight) and then the buyers let the offer expire because they want the original amount or the higher amount with my living room furniture, at least this is what their agent said (but he produced no counter offer). They were all ready asking $36,000 less than the assessed value. So now, I am kicking myself for not taking the first offer. I know I need to move on...but it is tough...my stomach has been so tied in knots, I haven't been able to eat much. Stress...good for weight loss.

Stupid me...live and learn...hope someone else comes along soon.

So here I sit and it is almost now 4 am....I am going to try going back to bed. Wish me luck with selling this house and getting back to sleep:o

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Dear Cheryl,

I've just logged on so have no idea what time it is there now. Here in OZ its nearly 6pm. I'm hoping that you are soundly asleep, and I'm talking to myself.

Things always seen the worst in the middle of a sleepless night, and the more sleep your chasing the worse things appear. When I have trouble sleeping I plan quilts in my head, I find it works, it takes my mind of my worries.

Tomorrow is a new day and I really believe that things happen for a reason. It's all in the timing. Your home will sell when the time is right, its prob waiting for the right folks to walk thru its doors. ANd maybe your stars arnt lined up yet :)

Hang in there, get some excercise and try and eat.

sending you a big (((((((hug)))))))

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Morning Cheryl.

Stress can do horrendous things to your body. I didn't lose weight I put it on!!! I didn't sleep properley for nearly a year. I spent many a night in my sewing room hand piecing. I didn't want to use my DSM incase I woke everyone else up. I also had my cat for company. Lots of quilts now ready for quilting.

You will sell your house. Obviously these people weren't the right people for your home. Hang on in there.

Tracy G

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Hi Cheryl,

My heart goes out to you - I echo what others have said about timing; there must be a reason why it didn't work out. Believe that a better offer will come in by someone that will love your home. Years ago, my husband and I put an offer on a block of land in order to build a new home, which was subject to the sale of our existing home. But the house didn't sell within the time frame and we lost the block (although thankfully we got our deposit back). Only a week later, our house sold! I didn't really understand at the time, and we decided to buy an established house in the end, but later, I looked back and I felt we probably would've had some financial problems had we gone with the first option.

Nightime is more difficult to cope with when you are worried, remember that light comes after dark...

You are in my thoughts and prayers,


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Cheryl, ditto on what the other has said. I gain weight with stress because I'm a stress eater. Anyway, God always has a better plan. You home will sell fill it with beautiful quilts and smells of chocolate. It would be nice if we had a chat room, I could think of a thousand reasons to use it, with all our "down under" friends there's always someone on here no matter the time.:cool:

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Thank you for all your kind thoughts. I keep telling myself that it will sell, but it is hard to keep my spirits up when the market is so bad and you aren't getting the traffic through your house...one worries. Everyone who has come through the house loves it, but they have a house to sell or their house isn't on the market. I am also not in town so my location is not what a ton of people want. It is a small subdivision where every one is on 3 to 10 acs.

Satu...I did see you on line when I was up at 3am:)

I fell asleep around 5 am, the one of my dogs started barking at 6am, my daughter got up at 6:15 am. So in a little while I am going to take a nap:)

Connie...I sometimes stress eat too, but my stomach was way to knotted this time!

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Please don't fret your little heart about it... Here's my plan for stress:

If I can't do anything about it at the moment, voila! it's out of my mind. Worry does no good.

About the house and the low ball offers - I'm in the same boat with the house I'm trying to sell... Here's what's happening. People who really can't afford your house are making offers at a price they can afford. They are additionally asking for the SELLER to pay their closing costs! Good heavens, if they barely have the downpayment, and can't come up with the closing costs on their own, guess what? THEY CAN'T AFFORD YOUR HOUSE!

Don't be talked into a bad deal. The RIGHT deal will come along, just be patient. $36,000 less than assessed value or less than appraisal is just too low. Have strength my friend, think of it as a game. You will sell your house. I promise. But don't give in to pressure that someone else puts on you or that you put on yourself!


luv -b

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2 years ago I was looking at a similar situation. I was relocating with my company and had 2 mortgage payments for about 9 months. To top everything off the relo company that my employer used said I had to put a sump pump into the basement ($8,000)before they would list the house and let me participate in the relo program. This caused stress galore between me and the DH. Long story made short we finally sold the house with a loss from the asking price of $20,000 less. Total loss of $28,000. I use to hear it weekly from DH about the money loss. Then last year the employer had downsizing due to the ecomony and I was let go. In 3 weeks I found a company that I am at now that is wonderful and real takes good care of the employees.

Stress is difficult but prayers and faith will get you through. Even though my time was rough for a couple of years and yes I put weight on due to it. Things will work out and you will be happier.

Stay positive. You will be better in the long run.

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Cheryl, I know your pain, we've bought and sold several homes and it's NEVER been easy! Your home will sell, it's hard to wait and see the lookers walk thru and not say anything or not hear back from their agent but it will sell. ;)

In the meantime naps are wonderful, treat yourself, then next time you have someone coming bake cookies, they make people's noses take note and it brightens their mood. Just keep a container of the spoon and bake kind in the fridge!:cool:

Go make a quilt for your upcoming change of address, something fun and bright to keep your spirits up. :)

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Your ability to put it out of your mind and move forward is awesome. Your right about being talked into a bad deal...it is not a good idea and worrying about it does not good too. I keep telling myself not to worry, obviously I am not doing a good job.

Part of the problem here is the foreclosures, they really are putting a dent into the pool of potential buyers. Let's face it, if a buyer can get a great house for 70 to 100 thousand less than the value because the bank just wants the balance on the loan paid off...one would be a fool not to purchase it.

So we'll see what today brings:)

Good luck on selling your house...where are you moving to?

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I understand the middle of the night thing. So many folks are facing hard times now. My hubby just got laid off after almost 10 years with the same company. We have been taking turns on the worry train at night. We love our home here and don't want to sell but will if the right job for him comes along.

Reading this thread and hearing your problem reminds me that I'm not alone in the deep of the night. Next time this happens to you or any of us, let's just pray for everyone else and let God handle the details.

Remember that you are loved, that God will provide in his own good time. Try to catch a sunrise or sunset in your day, I promise it will make things seem better.

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Sorry this is affecting your sleep! Isn't it just miserable when you can't sleep? I am like Connie, stress tends to make me eat unless things are really serious then I can't eat. That really hasn't happened more than once, maybe twice though. I sure hope you get some sleep and naps are good. Everybody is right that when it is right it will happen. I'll say an extra prayer for you that it happens sooner vs later. In the meantime here is a giant sleep (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!

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well.. there's a weird superstition out there about burying a plastic st joseph in your yard... don't know if it had anything to do with it, but friends of ours and a sister in law swears by it.. we just yesterday got an offer on a house that has been (back) on the market for 1 week (our second attempt)--we were told by our friend that he went over and buried one for us... i don't know... i guess it doesn't hurt to try everything! good luck with your house... all i know is that we're sooooo excited that this house sold..we really needed to sell it (about 2 years ago) ... it's a rental and my husband is too kind hearted to be a landlord... our previous renters about drove us into the ground with that house!!

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I'm sorry that you are feeling so stressed out. I always got stressed when we were selling and moving. We have moved 5 times in 37 years of marriage. Most of those were because of job transfers. We have been in our present location for 20 years now. 10 years ago we thought that we were going to have to move again, but DH took early retirement. We figured that when the kids left home we would do some fixing up on this house and put it on the market, get a smaller house, and have some extra money from the sale. Well, now would be a great time for us to buy the new smaller place, but it's a really bad time to try to sell our larger home. We live in a very small town with very few good jobs. So, we are staying put for awhile and hoping that the housing market picks up before we are too old to manage the stairs.

Here's hoping that you will get another offer soon. Go to your "quilty place" and think good thoughts or at least quilt beautiful quilts!

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Hi Cheryl, I do hope the morning light brought you a better day. Things are always so much worse in the dark of night. My only advice would be to try to distract yourself with a book, or quilt magazine, something that takes your mind off of things and you can relax enough to fall asleep.

I agree with the others, something better will come along and you'll be thinking back to this time wondering what you were so worried about.

Take care of yourself..........((((HUGS))))

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Originally posted by Stagecl

...They were all ready asking $36,000 less than the assessed value.....

Cheryl, I am sorry but that's just too low. I don't know what to tell you. I hope you find a buyer that is willing to make a FAIR VALUE offer, not low ball you like this buyer is.

It's OK to be sad and disappointed but please don't let this hurt your heart. You are too good of a person to let this rip you apart. Things will be OK. Try to keep your eyes focused on the horizon.

Is there a place nearby where you can take a two hour hike in the woods to get some fresh air? Go sit and take deep breaths. Look at nature. Take a dog along with a ball and play fetch. These things knock me back into thinking about what's really important. It's just a house. Please take care of yourself. Your husband will worry about you if this eats you up.

(((((Sending you a hug)))))

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Had to sell a house in Conn. during the last big housing bust. Had only lived there 6 mo. found out house had need of radon technology fix it, had no time, no money, was out of my mind. Thank heaven the house had 2 giant sugar maples in the front yard, they started dropping leaves, and I started raking everyday, piles that were 6 feet high:D:D The raking wore me out, I started sleeping better even though my husband actually moved across the country....The house finally sold, I learned the value of hard physical work...AGAIN:P

Keep talking to us, we'll all be praying behind the scenes, keep busy too...Pat

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