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Merry Christmas - can't resist a few fav. pics of Maddie

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Merry Christmas to all!!!! We had a great Christmas, although the tree was so filled it was rediculous! There were 8 adults and only 1 Maddie and boy you would have thought there were 10 of her! LOL She was a trooper but I think a few less gifts would have been less overwhelming. Everybody was just so excited to have her with us. These are just a few of my favorite pictures. Her favorite toys were a new doll and stroller. This is her new princess nightgown which she had to put on right over her jammies.


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Well girls I think this one might now be my favorite. She was modeling her new earrings. We had to put her Christmas dress back on over her jammies last night. I finally got it off of her at 9 before bed but it took 3 M&M's! LOL She loved that dress. She didn't have a great night. I think the day was just overwhelming for her. Today she will just be on her schedule and that is it!


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Great pics of Maddie! What a Christmas it has been, one we won't soon forget and how nice you have all those great pictures for years to come! Maddie's picture with the earrings is so cute. She is blessed to have so many adults to care for her-Have a happy New Year-we may have more snow!

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