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NQR: update on my son and FIL

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Hi all, sorry I haven't been on much. Just wanted to drop in and let you know how things are going. Unfortunately, my son had a small stroke and they had to do a craniotomy to get the rest of the infection out. He is stable once again, but has lost most of the sight in his left eye. He is doing pretty well otherwise. He will be left with some lasting effects. His speech is different now and he is have trouble walking, but they will work with him on that. Hopefully the worst is over.

The other saga in my life, my DFIL is still fighting. He is barely responsive now and is confined to the hospital bed. We are all keeping vigil at the bedside and just trying to keep him comfortable. My DMIL needs our support. She is stuggling so.

I decided to take some Family Leave of Abscence time at work so that I can keep my ducks in a row a bit better. Inlaws only 20 minutes away, but my son is in a hospital 4 hours away. Just can't spread myself that thin anymore. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I know that they are working. Please just a few more. Thanks,


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Prayers for you and all your family. Comfort and Peace for your FIL and MIL. Such hard times coming upon you all at once, I know the Lord has you in his grasp and will not fail you. Prayer for your son's complete recovery.

I am glad to hear that you are taking some time off from work with your job so demanding you cant afford to be preoccupied in your job. Remember when you are weak HE is Strong!! I pray for the Lord's Strength for you!!

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Oh this is just the most horrible thing I've heard! I can't believe it!!! I am so sad... :( I will keep you, your dad and your son in my prayers.

PS: I wonder what those idiots who turned him away (three times!!!) in emergency room are thinking now... I hope you find yourself a barracuda lawyer with sharp teeth that likes to snack on emergency room doctors in between meals. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

I mean really, I totally can understand "mistakes" happen with doctors, but this is blatant disregard for a person coming into seek medical help and was turned away several times. What a shame....

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Life can be so tough at times. I am so sorry that everything seems to be happening at once for you. Take heart in the fact that your son seems to be in good hands now. I have had several light strokes, and my speech and movement has almost completely gotten back to normal. I feel sure that his will too. You are right about your MIL needing support right now. My heart breaks for her. I am so glad you were able to get time off work but be careful to take care of yourself. You can't be the support system they need if you let yourself get worn down. We all know that prayer can help so I asked to have your family put on the prayer lists of a few of the local churches. Southern Indiana is praying that life will soon be a little easier for you!!!!

Cheri Blevins

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Dear Peggy,

GOd must think very highly of you and your family, when He won't give you more than you can handle. Guess that's when He wants you to take comfort in Him. Please take special time to bring yourself peace, a brisk walk, watching the birds, finding bird or animal tracks in the snow. The way the snow gently rests on the tree. Whatever it is that brings you contentment, try to find some each day. Gratitude for your friends who are close and can help with dinner, don't forget to ASK for help. There are so many who would do much, if they knew what you needed. NOthing is too much, need help keeping the house up to date, ASK, need help keeping the grocery list filled, give the list to ;your friend. I'd do it for you in a heartbeat. You'd be helping your friends and family if you let others assist.

Prayers for continued healing, strenght for the days and weeks ahead and peace and laughter as you all heal.

Blessings always,

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I'm so glad to hear that your son is doing better, You and family continue to be in my prayers for healing and strength for your son, comfort for you DFIL and rest and strength for you.

Someone told me long ag, " God only gives you what you can handle." Sometime we question that but we need to remember!

Hugs for you!

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Peg thank you for giving us an update. I too have been wondering how everything was going. Prayers will continue for healing and for comfort and for peace and for you strength. Abigail gave you some very good advice. Take time for just you, even if it is only 10 minutes here and there

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