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I just talked to Rita in Physical Therapy Rehab and found out that she is being kicked out of tomorrow at 10:30. She is doing very well and they tell her she doesnt need anymore therapy. She says she will get caught up with us as soon as she gets settled. She sends her love and will be happy to be home. Roland was doing well too and will be happy to have her home!!

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Hi my friends.

Thanks muches for all those prayers, good thoughts, cyberhugs and blessings.. I'm sure it helped.

Once I got the ghosties and ghoulies out of my system and I was back on earth, seems it was Mon. a.m. following surgery, all went well.

Got sent to therapy the 18th, where they promptly changed all my meds around, and times I took them, disputing specialists word on the meds. Sure ground me up. Now I can go back to my GP on Fri and she and I will get them figured out, or go back to all the old meds. Also have to get another blood test as white cells are a bit high, but the New GP I had for 10 days, didn't feel they were high enough to keep me there, and my Hip Dr. Orthopedic specialsts, said yesterday that the incission site, looks fantastic. (Bruised from 3rd rib to just below my knee).

My hip Dr. said I was one of his few nightmares to have to do surgery on... with all the other problems I have and the meds I take, he said he was really half afraid of taking me into surgery.

Yesterday he said I was one of his miracles.. many can walk as well at 12 days as I do, but can't go nearly as fast. I can keep up with most people walking. Did real well in surgery, just talked to ghosts a lot for two days. ROFLMHO, I can remember talking to no one, calling someone, but unable to wake up fast enough to retain the name, and hearing one nurse ask another what I was saying and the other replied that she's talking to someone and calling someone. The first nurse asked what name I was calling and the second said, "I don't know but Ím here to tell ya, I aint goin' in that room again." I think it was because I was talking to someone, and the someone couldn't bee seen. :P:D:P:D:P;)

Good to be home and hoping to be back to the quilting machine in a few days if all continues as well as it has been.

Thank you all, God Bless you for the prayers, and thoughts, and I'll be arround to pester for a long time to come.


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