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NQR - Prayers for my daugher....

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That was me so I am thinking of you all!

Just nibble away and sip at ANYTHING and snack in the night - it is all to do with a drop in blood sugar (the downside is that later on she may get gestational diabetes but that is all controllable) and don't try to do anything. I would feel better after a few days in hospital, come home, rush about and end up back again. Things improved after week 20 and the other 2 babies were not as bad! Good Luck...;)

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Adding my prayers for your daughter And for you -- sometimes it gets a bit tricky being mother-in-law and knowing what to do, doesn't it?

But, oh when those twins finally get here. So exciting. Think we are done with getting new grandbabies - have to wait for the greats I guess.

God Bless. Patsy

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Originally posted by kennan100

I, too, know how miserable this can be! Adding Jen and Michelle to my prayer list! We got Mary Beth's Jen through it, I think we can do it again! After all, nothing is impossible for God!

Kenna, I just called my Jen to see if she had any words of wisdom to pass on. When I told her what was going on, she said, "oh no!" Then started asking questions. She just feels terrible for anyone going through this.

For anyone that thinks you can eat a soda cracker and it will help....think again. This is worse than morning sickness. This is total dehydration and requires constant medical care for the momma and the baby(ies). And it happens a lot for moms of multipul births.

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Thanks you all - we just got home from the Dr. visit....Her dehydration is a little improved but not enough to keep her from being constantly sick, the plan is to do some bloodwork (which they did) to check thyroid levels, etc, increase her zofran dosage into the IV and increase the sugar in her IV fluids. She did only loose l lb this week so that is an improvement. If she isn't eating by next Mon. they told her she will be admitted to the hosp. She wants so bad not to be admitted! I went in with her and expressed how concerned I was with how weak she is and they assured us that we will get through this...there is a home health nurse who checks in with her everyday too.

On the up side though - I was able to listen to two strong heartbeats that will make this all worth it!

Keep praying!

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Praying for Jen and the twins.

10 years ago when I was carrying my twins I had a rough time, needed to hospitalized, not because of morning sickness, but due to preterm labor at little over 6 months, I was in the hospital for 6 1/2 wks :( no fun, but was worth it for my "stinky twinkies".

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