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I can't stand the wait!

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I have been peppering you all with questions, reading all I can about my Millennium as a way to channel all my excitement as I wait until this Sunday, when my dealer will finally come and set up my Millennium!. I have been waiting sooo long. I didn't find it too bad waiting at first because I had to put lighting up, and then rearrange the world so I could fit the Millie into my basement/ sewing area. Now I've done all that. I find my self not being able to really concentrate on anything but my Millennium. I have opened its box, patted it, stared at it, talked to it, fretted about it, read and re-read the manual, watched Dawn's video, peppered Amy with questions when the video and the Support pages don't agree, and I am just dying with excitement. I don't feel I can properly introduce myself until I am actually quilting on it. Right now I feel like a wanna be and there in my sewing room my Millennium sits, kind of like the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ, except it whispers in its "frozen" state not "oil can, oil can" but "quilt with me, quilt with me!" I am almost ready to sleep in the basement next to it. Thank goodness I have the annual spinners' guild picnic on Saturday( we spin yarn out of fleece for those of you not familiar with the craft of spinning) and Hubby said " can you clean the [rest of] the house. Once the machine is set up I know you won't be cleaning for a while[except the sewing room] ". So tomorrow, I shall hike with the dog in the early morning before it gets stinking hot again, attack the upstairs with the vacuum clean all the bathrooms , fertilize my roses, do only absolutely necessary weeding, and hope I will be tired enough to sleep...

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Yep, you're a true quilter allright, born to be stitching.

Cleaning the house now may be a good thing, because your husband is right....you may never want to do it again.

I finally hired someone. I figured I'd rather quilt than clean, so I can pay for help every other week with some of my quilt money.

It might also be good to prepare some food ahead that you can freeze for later. You may never want to cook again either.....I don't, but I can't afford a chef.

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Carol, welcome to the APQS family and the forum! Your excitement is leaping off the page! :P Get all those tiresome household things done and rest up for Sunday. Once your Millie is up and purring you won't want to do anything but quilt, and we look forward to seeing what you do with it.

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in he words of the great tom petty ~

the waiting is the hardest part.

you will love it when you get going.

it's still like a dream to me when i have time to get down there and play with lola-baby.

have fun!

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Carol, no sleeping on the basement floor next to Millie! Get in the bed, Honey, you need your rest, 'cause once that baby is set up you'll be putting in some loooooooooong days and nights!

You can do some cooking and freeze the meals, if someone moans about when dinner is going to be ready you can just pull out a package and throw it at them as you race back to the basement! After that they'll just take care of it without disturbing you!

Have fun and give us thhe report of your first day!!!! :D:D

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Oh boy are you in trouble now..........:P:P:P This quilting thing IS addictive to say the least. I was downstairs so long one day that my DH came looking for me to see if I was still alive. :D

He's learning though and yesterday came down to ask if I would like a hamburger steak, baked potato and fresh cauliflower for supper............he was cooking..........he does that a lot. A good guy!

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So Carol how long do you have to wait for your setup anyway?

I hope it wont be too long or I would be tackling it myself!! I just am not patient enough to wait either. Sure hope it is soon before you run out of things to keep you busy. enjoy your new toy!!

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Carol, you sound so excited, it makes me smile to remember those feelings, waiting for my machine to be set up. You are going to love Millie and love this forum. You will learn so much here, it's amazing. The best place in the world if you really want to get ahead in your quilting. Congratulations! :cool:

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Well, IBQTN2, I actually paid for my Millie on May 18th, which was on a Tuesday and then it arrived in the nearest

ABF terminal late on the following Monday but ABF only delivered in my area on Mon and Wed so i had to wait for Wednesday and then my dealer already had booked Memorial day for teaching classes and he had to be in his quilt shop so he couldn't come until June 6th! I almost decided to set it up myself but I really wanted him to check it all out and get it all correct etc. Then I would know exactly how it should feel and sound and move so when things go wonky, I'll know it. Since the demo sale the sweet "16000" deal caught me off guard (I was planning this summer to continue researching them), I rushed down to try the Millie. I didn't know about the new "internal workings" so I didn't try APQS during the Mid Atlantic Quilt F. I have been waiting for some company to make what I wanted since the first Grace Frame came out for 7" home machines! I didn't want APQS in earlier years becuase their machines were not "upgradeable" and I thought I wouldn't have the money to get the one i wanted(Millie). So I waited. Now the Millie is more "plug and play" so hopefully if there are more software upgrades my Millie should be able to get them and there was a wonderful demo sale, and I finally had the money and, now I am ready to bust with excitement!

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Welcome Carol! You can soon start counting the hours instead of the days until your Millie is up and running! I'm not sure I could have waited if the boxes arrived prior to set up; I think I'd have had my handy farmer husband set it up for me. As it was, he helped the APQS guy put it together, and I think we would have been fine on our own. Hope you have a wonderful time getting acquainted with Millie and making beautiful quilts with her! Enjoy!

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As the rest already mentioned...welcome to the fam, but has anyone reminded you that once you get the machine set up to day that you will need to remember to breath. Sucking the air out of the room when you start can be a huge ouch waiting as you hit the floor. So please remember to breath, and while your quilting, you will make funny faces, so don't let your family give you a hassle about that. Tell them its just part of quilting, have to make the faces before you can get it right.

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