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Updated Dr.'s report for the klutz!

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Good News....kinda...

Spiral fracture is slightly displaced, but only less than 1 millimeter, so NO SURGERY!

I can keep the hard bottomed boot, wrapped in an ace bandage firmly, on for 8 weeks, non weight bearing.

That takes me straight up to AQS in Des Moines.

If I intake enough vitamin D, maybe he will let me go Wednesday night, (to Jewels) without my boot..and weight bearing for the first time.

Fingers crossed.

Otherwise, i'll be taking Roxanne up on her offer to push me around on Thursday. Cuz, it's FRIDAY will be the solid 8 weeks...so, i'm going to beat this 2 days early if it KILLS me!

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Originally posted by SheriB

Good News....kinda...

Spiral fracture is slightly displaced, but only less than 1 millimeter, so NO SURGERY!

I can keep the hard bottomed boot, wrapped in an ace bandage firmly, on for 8 weeks, non weight bearing.

That takes me straight up to AQS in Des Moines.

If I intake enough vitamin D, maybe he will let me go Wednesday night, (to Jewels) without my boot..and weight bearing for the first time.

Fingers crossed.

Otherwise, i'll be taking Roxanne up on her offer to push me around on Thursday. Cuz, it's FRIDAY will be the solid 8 weeks...so, i'm going to beat this 2 days early if it KILLS me!

This is gopod news! YAY!

But non weight bearing means just that - NO WEIGHT!!! that will be a challenge - but you can do it - i know you can.

Lots of vit D, self control on the weight bearing and i bet you do it!

Keep us posted!

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Good news for sure!!!

Can you use on of those "knee-scooters"? Like a mini walker on wheels with a padded area for the knee. You rest the knee on the padded area and that bears the weight. You scoot along, but among a crowd, be careful not to bump the foot. Just a thought for when you are almost healed.

Positive healing thoughts coming your way. But so glad you don't need surgery!

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OMG, there really are "knee scooters"! LOL! Who knew???

I broke my foot a few years ago and used a steno chair. So one day, I'm home alone, and think tea and toast would be great. Grab my steno/sewing chair, put my knee on it and hop/roll on down to the kitchen. While balancing precariously I managed to make my tea and toast. Then I had to get back to my bedroom! So I carried the tea in one hand, the plate of toast in the other and headed back. Now there's a little ridge between the kitchen floor and the hallway carpet.... So I gave myself a bit of a stronger push with the "good" foot and bumped over the ridge, lost my balance, fall backwards and was stopped in time by the wall behind me, but my tea went straight up and my delicious toast landed jam-side down on the carpet. It was too funny! Needless to say, hubby made me another batch when he got back. :P:P:P

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Everyone. the 8th week ends the friday of AQS. That is from the date of injury **sigh**

Linda R- I already have the knee scooter. Jason got it for me yesterday, and I LOVE IT! That invention is AWSOME and puts crutches as a thing of the past!

I am really going to pour on the vitamin D, as I hate milk with a passion. So I am going to do well staying off if it as much as possible, and hopefully he will let me walk on it come Wednesday when we all head up to the Jewels Inn for an evening of quilter's slumber party!!!

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Hi Sherri, glad to hear you'll be able to make it to the show! And that knee scooterr is cool. I've been using my walker in a similar way for years. It has a seat in it and no hand brakes. It has springs in the back legs, so when I walk it rolls without hesitating. When I need to rest one of my legs I just drop the seat into place and rest my knee on it, to take a step I put my weight on the seat and the weight of my body pushes the legs down for brakes so I can take the step without the thing scooting out from under me ala Linda Craig!. If I need to sit, I just drop the seat, turn around and sit. Again, the weight of my body pushses the legs down and it stays in place. I can't use hand brakes because of the strain on my right hand to apply them. It gives me a good balance support with the handles on either side. I wish I could use one like you have, it's so narrow it'll be fine in a crowd. A walker is much wider....because I'm much wider! :D:D:D

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