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NQR-Shoulda' stayed inside today...almost well

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Went outside early this morning walking my pups and cleaning up after them with the "scooper". Got a sharp stab of pain when I was compressing the handles; guess what? A bunch of wasps had drilled a hole in the handle of the scooper and stung my hand! Got 2 in my index, 2 in middle, and at least 4 in my ring finger. Was talking to Dell on the phone and she told me to hurry and take my ring off. Sure enough, there were 2 stings right under my ring (didn't notice them before). Barely got my ring off before my finger swelled up. Now I can't bend my ring finger at all. Thank goodness it is my left hand. I pieced all day between soaking my hand in baking soda, and ice cubes and taking benedryl. Still hurt, so at 5 o'clock started applying margaritas. Don't care now!!


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Oh NO Vickie! :o That looks very painful - yikes! We were just talking about this today at the Rec center, how there are so many wasps and bees around. More than usual for us I think at this time of year...... but we have had a lot of weird weather too.

Take care of those fingers! We find out how much we use and need them when things like this happen that for sure!

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Cheri I've never heard of bleach, but I would try anything!!!!!

Hey, Vickie, I were were alot closer I'd bring some margaritas and we could just kick bad and well cry I guess, but better yet, plan our next project! or Trip or fabric purchase or well whatever we could come up with!!!

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Cheri, I haven't heard or tried the bleach either. Dell, I don't know if the margaritas will help, but I figure it can't hurt!

Sylvia, haven't heard of fingernail polish remover either. Madelyn have heard of meat tenderizer but didn't try it yet.

All the fingers are really swollen and painful now. Hoping I can get some sleep and it goes down overnight!

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I'm so sorrry this has happened to you! Ouch, it looks so painful. My huband swears by tobacco for stings. He opens up a cigarette or cigar and takes out the tobacco, wets it so it's damp then places it on the sting. I've never tried it on myself, but he uses it and we've used it when the kids got stung. It seemed to help. I hope you feel better soon.


ps Nobody smokes in out house. He just keeps the tobaccco around for stings. We have lots of wasps around here.

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OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! again. I know I just talked to you, Vickie, and it sounds like you are going to survive!!!!! Maybe the next quilt we make will have cute little bees and wasp on it. Well it was just a thought. Instead lets plan those trips!!!!

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