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NQR - Who told....fess up!

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I just want to know who told the forum computer how old I am! I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise with birds chirping and a nice cup of hot coffee. Then I got on here and posted a reply and noticed I've officially been made a SENIOR MEMBER. The forum computer has become just "too smart for it's own britches"!

To add insult to misery, yesterday my sister (who just celebrated a BIG birthday that starts with a "7") and I (the baby of the family) wheeled my 92 year old father into the Apple store to buy him an IPad. After the sales consultant lifted his jaw off the floor when we said it was for my dad, he very patiently rang up the sale and immediately handed us off to another dear teenager to patiently explain how to set it up. Of course we had to tell him to talk loudly into Dad's left ear, which he obligingly did, and proceeded to try to explain in the smallest detail how to set it up. After spending several minutes trying to remember the last four of Dad's social and trying what he was sure it was several times (he was just off by one digit!) I said do you realize we are the three oldest people in this store! Our combined ages is over 220 years! The really nice kid started speeding up the process and inputing some of the info himself:P. We left the store, got into the car and Dad said, "now just exactly what is this thing?!" We all howled! Dad is one of the more intelligent people I know. He read the entire Encyclopedia and the Science Books that came with it when I was a kid. And retained the knowledge....until a couple of years ago. He's been playing on my iPad since I got here. I showed him how to play Solitaire on it and it's kept him busy for hours! Five or ten years ago he would have been showing me how to do things but now the tables are turned and I have the blessing of being able to help him in return. How fortunate I am.

Gotta go......need to show my sister how to turn on the IPad!

Proud to be a Senior Member.......

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LOLOL, the Senior member means you have posted so many posts, like Sylvia is a Posting Expert, etc.

Not laughing AT you, as it took me quite a while to figure that out. Soo, no one can tattle on you, but yourself...

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Oh I love this story!! You are a fun daughter!! :) Your dad seems to be a great guy.

PS: My husband has an ipad2 and he totally LOVES LOVES LOVES that thing. He is a huge gadget guy and he is enamored by his iphone and his ipad. That, in itself, is good testimony to this technology. If he says it's great, it has to be.

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Originally posted by Bobbi47

I'm thinking posting expert, which you'll be soon, just means we've gotten good at this... (?) Congrats from one "senior" to another!

Oh goodness...I passed the "senior" without ever seeing it.

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